great card
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3 users liked this review

all i can say is what a card. ive used this card since it came out, and hes amazing. I play a 4231 in game, and play him as my RAM with futties Salah at ST and SS Ronny at LAM, and Futties Saint-Maximin as CAM, and all i can say is thats an amazing attack. I have Dembele custom tactic for him to stay wide, and trust me it helps. with Salah at ST just play balls outwide to Dembele and play it straight to salah. his goals and assists may not be high, but still what a play maker he is, can get past deffenders, and play it off to ASM to play through to Sala, or Ronaldo. Great card Dembele is, and that 5* 5* is class. also very fun to dribble with. and if your on the edge of getting him, ive realized people that like to have a fun player to dribble with, and to have fun with, get him 100% if you can, still if you take the game serious, hes a great player to play outwide, great for dribbles, and taking people on 1v1, and good crosses to center. all around would recomend. If you can get him, and just dont want to, youre missing out. no better RW than him.

  • dribbling
  • 5* 5*
  • speed/pace(very noticable)
  • agility
  • stamana
  • suprisingly his heading
  • shooting
  • physical is on the low side. gets bodied off the ball to easily sometimes, but then theres times where he can just sheild it like a irl Adama Traore
  • nothing much, hes a great card

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (6/10)