Surprisingly Good

When going in the first game with him I did not expect much of him, because I didn´t really enjoy him over the last years all that much. But with the new lengthy running style I could immediatly tell that this year would be different.

With his great top speed and good strength he was hard to get off the ball and paired with his great runs he was just very nice to play with and easy to get into the front of the goal where his good shooting does to rest.

With all that being said there are still some little drawbacks, with the agility maybe being the biggest one, tho for mir it was not that bad at all but maybe someone else would feel different.

Furthermore because of HIGH/HIGH work rates his stamina could get low at the end of the game so keep that in mind.

All in all I can safely say that he is a nice striker this year and that I can recommend him to everyone.

+ Lengthy

+ Shooting

+ Strength

+ Positioning

+ Height and Heading

+ Passing

- Maybe Pace when starting to accelerate

- Agility

- Work rates

Pace (7/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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