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  • I am only div6, but in the 5 games ive played with him, he has managed to score 14 goals.
  • He is a serious threat inside the box, he will score in any situation, i was already expecting him to be a serious poacher, but his aerial presence really shocked me, not only was he a threat with the ball on the ground, but he is also able to score in the air very consistently.
  • His acceleration vs defenders is something i noticed, he will not boost past defenders like a Dembele or Diaby, but if he is able to get in behind defenders, along with his strength, he is able to push off any defenders catching up and get away.
  • His dribbling was also surprisingly good, he wont feel like a Sancho or saint max, but a tall poacher like him, all you'll need is to go either left or right in the box to get him open, and he is very good at that.
  • His short passing is also very reliable, he is able to ping it to wingers running wide on his side of the feild, however dont expect 100% of his passes to connect with a far lob, he can do link up plays very well.
  • His price is another factor
  1. Finishing
  2. Strength
  3. Headers
  4. Price
  5. 4*4*
  6. Links
  7. Lengthy with hawk (new gen)

  1. Sprint speed (short distance)
  2. Stamina (noticeable late game/overtime)
  3. Long passing

Pace (7/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (1/10)
Physicality (9/10)
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