not as great as he was in the former games

I packed him untradeable and used him as a CDM/CM for a while, but he clearly isn't as good as he was back in time (what means FIFA 16-18 for me, cuz I stopped UT at 2018 and returned last year). I dunno why, but he feels like a 80ish midfielder for me. Sometimes, he is very solid at defending and he also scored a few goals for me, but most of the time, he is out of position or can't win the ball or play rubbish passes... thats the reason why I switched him out for Kimmich, who feels more like Kantes old cards than Kante himself. He is okayish for a CDM/CM sub, but I wouldn't use him that much if I had got him tradeable.

  • okay for a sub in the last minutes of the game
  • sometimes he plays very great passes and even pull out some good shots
  • many times out of position
  • not as strong as he was in the former games
  • feels more like a 80ish card than a 89 rated
  • his stats look solid/great for a cdm, but you can't feel them ingame
Pace (6/10)
Shooting (4/10)
Passing (4/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (6/10)
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