I'm not a big Kimmich fan, but I've packed him untradeable and tried him out... what was the best thing I've done this years FIFA. Before I got Kimmich, I played with Kante at CDM and also tried out some other (gold) CDMs like Casemiro or even Goretzka (who still plays as a CM for me). Kimmich hits different and I dunno why. He fight for balls, is so strong, win headers, make great passes and he can even shoot (sometimes). I can't tell you what is wrong with this card, but he feels like FIFA 18s Kante for me (since Kante wasn't that good for me this year). In my opinion, he is nearly the best card I've used so far and thats the reason why I switched from a 4321 to a 41212 (2), cuz his only downside is, that he only can play CDM or RB and sadly not as a CM.

  • awesome at defending
  • great at passing and winning balls
  • very strong on and off the ball
  • feels very fast and agile
  • can shoot, when needed
  • isn't really tall (even if he win most of the headers)
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (10/10)