Mats Wieffer | Surprisingly Solid
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As a Feyenoord fan, you can't help being a Mats Wieffer enthousiast, with him going from playing in Dutch 2nd division to Champions League and Dutch national team in little over a year's time. Logically I had to try this card when it came out.

At first I was a little sceptical about his playability looking at those dribbling stats. But his Press Proven play-style seems to work wonders. Have had 0 trouble with him dribbling and never felt any clunkiness. Actually performs turns and dribbles very well at jogging speed! I included a YouTube clip where you can hopefully see what I mean.

With that problem out of the way, his passing is incredible, hardly misplaces short passes and his long passing really puts your wingers to work. Playing him with a shadow chem style on full chem, he's fast and strong enough to fulfill his defensive duties as well, helped by his Bruiser play-style and M/H workrates.

On top of this, his height and Aerial play-style make him very useful at corners, heading them away defensively or scoring them in offense.

All in all a very solid CDM, perfect to pair up with a more attacking CM. With the prospect of gaining a +2 OVR if Feyenoord win 2 of their remaining CL games, definitely worth the few coins he costs.

  • Press Proven play-style eliminates dribbling problems
  • Passing is great
  • Defensively strong
  • Aerial threat
  • 3* 3*
  • Can be difficult to link (I use a Paixao evolution card)
  • Questionable upgrade probablity
Pace (7/10)
Shooting (6/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (8/10)