Male Bacha!

One more day, we're here reviewing a pretty good looking card.

From the beginning I have to say he didn't look better than my IF Theo Hernandez, but I decided to give him a try and oh boy.

He was used with a Shadow chem style as an attacking LB in a 4-2-3-1, with Zanetti as CDM covering his space on transitions.

Pace: Crazy pace, seems a lot more than 89, his body type makes him rapid even without the rocket or rapid palaystyles. Does great manual and automatic runs and when he has the ball has some decent speed to run down the wing to either cross or give that lethal last pass.

Speed without the ball is also very good, feels quicker than Karchaoui and Theo but with less control.

Shooting: Actually good for a LB, very nice trivelas and good 2nd post finishing.

Very very nice heading also, scored a few from corners and desperate crosses from my RW.

Passing: Crazy passing, always abuse crosses with this guy. His passing is equally as good as my midfielders, gave some assists.

Good short passing, great long balls, great aerial passes and excellent crosses.

I felt he could pass every ball with just 1 touch and play some really exceptional 1-2s with my LW, also made nice runs after passing.

Dribbling: Even though he's very tall, his dribbling doesn't feel that stiff, it's like watching IRL Isak. Makes very good runs on the wing and left stick dribbling is good, strange but good.

Good animations and 4*SM helps him very much.

Great ball control and R1 dribbling, made me run over to the opponent's box and even there, he could sometimes dribble past 1 or 2 defenders.

Defending: Very good, insane interceptions and tackles. He has some Peter Crouch like legs, so long he can get some balls he shouldn't be able to get and block some shots he shouldn't block.

His sliding tackles are a bit stiff tho, he stays in the floor for pretty long and doesn't slide as much as other fullbacks.

Also very good L2, feels like if he had Jockey, but he doens't.

Not the best body type for defending though.

Physical: Stamina wasn't enough for me, as he was running up and down every single play so I guess it was normal, it would've been crazy if he had relentless playstyle.

Strength is decent, will win you some balls and can body smaller attackers such as Dembele or Griezmann.

Jumping and aerial balls are his best quality, wins every single header and also has good heading accuracy for those corners or even to clear the ball in your own box, he won corners against rudiger and van dijk.


+Passing, exceptional crosses.


+4*4* SM and WF.

+Animations(not slide tackle)


+Aerial balls.

+Overall balanced player.

+Whipped playstyle plus.

+Sliding tackles.


+Lack of defensive and pace based playstyles.

+M/M workrates.

+Dribbling in close spaces.

+Alternatives(EVO Cancelo, EVO Capdevila, Mendy, EVO Bompastor)

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Other Reviews
Kai Havertz
Wow, this card is insane and is a beast in the defensive CM spot in a 4321, the fact that he is 6´3 and has aerial playstyle makes him so op in that cm spot.And i understand that he is over 1M in fodder but if u have the fodder or the coins, its time to get rid of ur flashback bruno and play this BEASTNot even to mention the insane passing that he has, pinged+ long ball and whiped pass.He will prob be expired when you see thi...