Is it still good?
ByUser(userId=UserId(userId=5097598), [email protected], username=Choripan007, favoritePlayer=IdAtYear(id=PlayerCardId(id=522), year=FutYear(year=20)), favoriteClub=null, favoriteNation=null, passwordHash=$2y$10$.8TR8Jphnoorssz6rx6wOOyYZxqfPsrXac/JmBE3/PHJs91JtdIB6, lastAccessed=2024-01-28T12:16:33Z, rememberMeToken=d86f42e5c24be626da9f95b33c811eeae2c6114ddd6d07618003efddb7d6e5ca10081ebe3992f4949c42a6c95c8cf7bc0ea150833241a72ed3c3450fd71c4ff7, rememberMeExpiry=2024-02-28T12:16:33Z, forgotPasswordToken=null, forgotPasswordRequestTime=2023-03-02T23:30:48Z, forgotPasswordExpiryTime=null, mobileToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mdXRiaW4ub3JnIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvZnV0YmluLm9yZyIsImlhdCI6MTcxNDYwOTE2OCwibmJmIjoxNzE0NjA5MTY4LCJleHAiOjE3MTk4Nzk1NjgsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcklkIjo1MDk3NTk4LCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6IkNob3JpcGFuMDA3In19.MtTsF9lpWW1MNrwOOOx7kjUSvkvM6K74yQWcOHabJeU, mobileLastAccessed=2024-05-02T00:19:28Z, pendingChangeEmail=null, changeEmailToken=null, changeEmailRequestTime=null, changeEmailExpiryTime=null, verified=true, verifyToken=null, verifyRequestTime=null, verifyExpiryTime=null, commentsApproved=true, joinDate=2022-02-26, dateOfBirthDay=null, dateOfBirthMonth=12, dateOfBirthYear=2003, marketing=true, termsOfServiceAndPrivacyConsent=true, accessLevel=null, apiUserPhoneId=50153, twitterUsername=null, facebookUsername=null, twitchUsername=null, youtubeUsername=null, playstationUsername=null, showPlaystationUsername=false, xboxUsername=null, showXboxUsername=false, pcUsername=null, showPcUsername=false, hideProfile=null)28-01-2024

I want to mention a few things.

If you have the coins for him, do not buy him. If you packed him out of the IF pick, this is your review.

I used him as LAM(LW) and RAM(RW) on a 4-2-3-1 with a Finisher chem style.

Pace: Very good, has that rapid+ and silver rocket so he feels even quicker. Plus his body type is crazy good for running and having good control on the ball at the same time. His pace is a type of pace that only works down the wing, as he makes slightly heavy touches and as CAM or ST he won't work as he will willingly run right to the defenders head.

Shooting: Terrible, he only scores either tap-ins or 1v1s where he beats the GK, some easy shots will also work if you green time. His only good point on shooting is trivelas with poor angle where he may surprise you.

5* WF helps a bit with finishing, but I doubt you notice as he's horrible with both legs.

Passing: This is where he exploits that 5*WF, finds passes everywhere and doesn't miss easy passes, also good crosses. Don't try longballs or through balls that you would do with someone like Griezmann, Bruno or KDB as he won't make them.

Dribbling: Smooth, good. He feels good on the ball, very nice left sticking and also great stepovers with a slightly better speedboost than other players. His 5* SM are always useful and helps me find a space for my LB to make a run down the wing or break the defensive line.

His agility is something I appreciate in my team where I need to break the defenders to make a good build-up play.

Silver trickster also works, leaves some players in the ground and helps getting out of pressure situations.

Defending: It's Dembélé, don't expect much.

Physical: Bad, does jump a bit but nothing crazy. Strength is awful and stamina is also bad, he's tired at 70' so I normally sub him off, he also won't win any physical duel against someone like Havertz, Roberto Carlos, Walker or even Cancelo. The only fullback he ever bodied was Bacha and Karchaoui and you know how they are.


-H/M workrates.



-Decent passing.

-Silver Trickster.


-Can play both wings and LW alt position.



-Value for price.

-Doens't feel very different from his gold.

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (6/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (3/10)
Physicality (4/10)
Other Reviews
Ousmane Dembélé
89 RTTK Dembele
I got in my packs(Untradable) from objectives! I want to try him out and he is really good when comes to dribbling, runs and passing!His attacking A.I. most of the time he does cut inside! You need to givem him Finisher only as Chem style!!!He is really good card and you know to do skill moves like a lot this card is for you!I wish to had tehnical Play style.Tier list straight S!
Ousmane Dembélé
This guy is broken in game! Down the wing he is exceptional. The pace is blistering and the dribbling is dazzling. Being 5* WF with 5* skills is no joke. Can pull of skills fast too. Shooting is good but can miss some chances. Passing is good too. Insane for this stage of the game.
Ousmane Dembélé
200k Fraud
He is super weak on the ball and with how pace works this year, there is many better players you could use.