TOTY CDM, can she really be that bad?
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Picked her up for 730k, she's sitting at about 930k at the time of this review.

Replaced De jong so a bit of a different player type, Im not used to having a big bertha DM in my midfield but it's nice, defending with her is low effort, she scoops up loose balls and makes some big girl tackles with intercept+ & bruiser+ respectively.

Would I buy her over Toty Essien, Lahm or Matthaus? Depends on your budget and the type of midfield partner you have, for me next to TOTY Sawa I needed a big body and boy does she fit the role.

Passing very solid

Bruiser and intercept+ are very effective

Has all the stats you need in a DM + high jumping.

Right place right time to scoop up loose balls, cut passing lanes and make crunching tackles with bruiser+

93 acceleration for quick L1 speed boosts thru the middle

Good defensive AI

Dribbling a bit clunky at times, stocky body type dribbling.

Sprint speed

Stamina can be an issue

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (9/10)
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