My best IV so far
ByUser(userId=UserId(userId=94735), [email protected], username=JayJaySCD, favoritePlayer=null, favoriteClub=null, favoriteNation=null, passwordHash=$2y$10$TjtFyEdMKiFcticN1SudfevyFMJ2BaqoIBnjDcyB7dc4HwytqhanC, lastAccessed=2023-11-20T15:16:15Z, rememberMeToken=3fe2566c6cd3ad80186eadd57e2ccbab5e96396b93cc02c6a0d02284ce65a47f2e173bf2c8672534f9f92dd834125bff44b407b9fdf1ad7d3e4e7df21a31afe6, rememberMeExpiry=2023-12-06T14:04:02Z, forgotPasswordToken=null, forgotPasswordRequestTime=null, forgotPasswordExpiryTime=null, mobileToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mdXRiaW4ub3JnIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvZnV0YmluLm9yZyIsImlhdCI6MTcxNjkxNTUxNCwibmJmIjoxNzE2OTE1NTE0LCJleHAiOjE3MjIxODU5MTQsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcklkIjo5NDczNSwidXNlck5hbWUiOiJKYXlKYXlTQ0QifX0.FYQjZX6nBDi7EXHU6bgYqs98B3-z_botnVZsVWwn9TA, mobileLastAccessed=2024-05-28T16:58:34Z, pendingChangeEmail=null, changeEmailToken=null, changeEmailRequestTime=null, changeEmailExpiryTime=null, verified=true, verifyToken=null, verifyRequestTime=null, verifyExpiryTime=null, commentsApproved=true, joinDate=2016-12-15, dateOfBirthDay=null, dateOfBirthMonth=12, dateOfBirthYear=1994, marketing=true, termsOfServiceAndPrivacyConsent=true, accessLevel=null, apiUserPhoneId=null, twitterUsername=null, facebookUsername=null, twitchUsername=null, youtubeUsername=null, playstationUsername=null, showPlaystationUsername=false, xboxUsername=null, showXboxUsername=false, pcUsername=null, showPcUsername=false, hideProfile=null)04-10-2023

I'm playing a complete Bundesliga Squad and used so far: Süle, Min Jae, Upamecano, De ligt, Schlotterbeck.

Nico Schlotterbeck is by far the best Defender of all of them. And he is also not very expensive.

I used him with shadow chem style.

I guess what makes him that good are his playstyles, he's got everything a IV needs in my opinion.

Only thing that makes him a bit difficult to play, is 2* Weak foot, so be sure you keep that in mind when passing the ball ;)

Pace: 8/10

Shooting: 9/10 (almost every header gets on goal)

Passing: 6/10 (not the best but decent for an IV, be sure to use his left foot)

Dribbling: 6/10 (like passing also decent)

Defence: 9/10 (Wins almost every duel or intercepts the passes very well)

Physics: 9/10 (Very nice stats in this one, i guess only Haaland and these strong physical strikers can play him out in this stat, every other attacker should have no chance)

2* Weak foot

Passing + Dribbling decent but not the best.

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (6/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (9/10)