Serie A's Haaland
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Hi! I'm currently in division 6, going to division 5 and hopefully 4 by Thursday. I've been lucky enough to pack Osimhen in my Foundation packs. This guy is very very good! I normally hate playing heavy strikers but I can't be too picky at the beginning of the game. He works basically like Haaland (Don't get it wrong, it isn't Haaland, he is nowhere near as good) He makes runs and body his way through the get the ball. His pace and finishing are very good. I use him with a Hawk, using Engine doesn't do much as he is tall and clunky with or without it. One downside, sometimes for some weird reasons, he comes back on defence even with 'Stay Forward' which is a bit annoying given his H/M work rates.

  1. Fast
  2. Strong
  3. Tall
  4. Good finisher
  1. Dribbling (expected)
  2. Weird defencing runs
  3. 3* SM
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (3/10)
Defending (1/10)
Physicality (8/10)
Other Reviews
Victor Osimhen
Osimhen, the nigerian Haaland
Ok, is hard to link and is not in Premier, so doesn't cost 400k, but trust me, is very good, a little bit cluncky, but more agile then haaland, it's cost only 50k!If you want a 200cr option, with five star week foot, evolve Morata! Trust me, is insane
Victor Osimhen
Underrated Demon
When I finally got a replacement for haaland, I was so happy, because haaland is horrible, I just thought of him as a upgrade, but instead, he was insane, feels like a mbappe who can play CB, and can score headers.