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Im using him as CF on a 4321 formation with Kubo as ST and Aspas as CF. Lewa goes back to defense to transform the formation into 442, de Jong and Modric cover the center and Llorente is my RM/CAM.

So far, Lewandovski is a straight scorer. Incredible shooting, his finishing stats are in the 90's, strong, good ball control and dribbling stats, good enough to guide the ball with R1 to pass by the defenders. Im using with Hunter chem style and he is very quick, dont be fooled by the numbers. The formation Im using allows Lewa to always play looking to the goal in his front, never turning his back to the target. Long shots, quick 1-2 passes, R1 dribbling and finishing. Inside and outside the box he is a straight killer.

Has good passing, his free kick is a guided missile and has the power header playstyle.


Free kicks

Headers on corners

Surprisingly quickness using Hunter chem style


Sometimes you will feel that he is a little bit slow on his turnings, using R1 or not. But with time using him you will get used to how his agility and speed works.

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Other Reviews
Robert Lewandowski
Best st under 500k
Wow what a player, i think because of his lethal shooting he is just a beast for me , unlike others st i used so far lewa is the best, he helped me with 10-0 in q for fut champs and i play a little rivals with him , 18 games 40 goals scored and just 5 assists , if u are not a meta slave and know a thing or 2 about football u can actually enjoy him ,
Robert Lewandowski
Lewandowski's Player of the Month (POTM) card in FIFA is an absolute beast! If you're after a deadly striker, look no further. With his lethal shooting and imposing physical, he simply dominates the box. If you want him to have a decent pace, use him with hunter.
Robert Lewandowski
Exceptional Striker
94 Lewandowski is a good card and I think he's priced somewhat fair for his high rating. I'm in division 4 and he keeps up with pele pretty well and is usually there to finish rebounds when the keeper saves pele's rockets. His heading accuracy is good too, I've set him up with a few crosses that he won over tall strong defenders. He's got great shot power as well. I had SIF Haaland before and Lewandowski is definitely bet...