What a Gem.
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5 users liked this review

Lothar Matthäus's 90-rated EAFC Icon card in FIFA 24 is an absolute game-changer in midfield.

This legendary maestro embodies the essence of a box-to-box midfielder, seamlessly orchestrating play from defence to attack. His incredible versatility and well-rounded attributes make him an indispensable asset to any squad.

When it comes to scoring, Matthäus is a sensation. His knack for unleashing jaw-dropping screamers is unmatched, consistently delivering goals when the team needs them most. With an astonishing goal ratio of at least one every two games, he's not just a midfielder; he's a reliable goal-scoring machine.

But his prowess extends far beyond scoring. Matthäus's defensive capabilities are simply impeccable. His interceptions are razor-sharp, disrupting opponent plays effortlessly. His tenacity and positioning on the field are masterful, always seeming to be in the right place at the right time to break down attacks and regain possession.

What truly sets Matthäus apart is his visionary play and astute defending that work hand in hand. His ability to read the game and anticipate movements ensures he's a step ahead, both in creating opportunities for teammates with pinpoint passes and in swiftly shutting down threats with his exceptional defensive awareness.


This midfield powerhouse doesn't have a weak link. Each attribute contributes to his overall solidity, making him an all-encompassing force on the pitch. Placed in a 4-4-2 formation, partnering with a Maestro chemistry style, Matthäus is the linchpin, elevating the entire team's performance with his brilliance. He's not just a solid midfielder; he's the embodiment of perfection in the heart of the pitch.

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (8/10)