Another year, another Theo masterclass
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4 users liked this review

This man don't miss, played Fifa 23 until January, and Theo Hernandez was my favorite card to use, even though he is just a left back. And this year it's the same deal. He is incredibly consistent yet again. Best full-back in the game IMO. His incredible pace makes him able to catch up to almost anyone, even now when the games defending feels like chasing an oiled up pig in mud. Also because of his height he wins the majority of heading situations he finds himself facing. I will probably be buying every special Theo Hernandez card that drops, just because of how good he is and how big my love is for this man. Link him up with Tomori and Maignan and you will have a trio in your team that's very hard to replace. Love this man (full homo)

  • Incredibly fast
  • Height and strength makes him able to win most headers
  • Defending feels solid, and his lanky legs gets to balls you couldn't even dream of
  • "He wins that ball so much" - Old guy
  • A bit pricy, but worth it imo for the best full back in the game
  • Passing could be a bit better
  • 81 Dribbling is OK, and helps getting out of high press situations, but could be better
  • 3* 3* may be a bit problematic if you rely on your full-backs going forward, but i usually don't so it isn't really a big issue for me personally
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (6/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (9/10)