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Jesus christ this promo man. We have to rely on E-Sporters to upgrade those cards. Who actually cares about the E-Sports scene honestly. Why not make a promo based on real football. That's why we are playing this game also...


86 rated and this is his card lmao. Couldn't they atleast give him 80 shooting lol. His stats are way too low...


These are personal ads you freak haha

These cards are barely better than last season lmao...
Moments can literally be anybody

The beginning of Winter Wildcards was very good. However I do agree that the content fell off after Christmas...


I have never even seen her gold card once lmao. Imagine packing this card then.


Ter Stegen deserved it more lmao. Saved Barcelona multiple times and got MOTM afterwards.


That 93 reflexes compared to 90 is so deserved. He was so good last season even though the defence of Madrid wasnt good. Especially against Man City he was crazy. Shame he is injured for the whole season...

2 playstyle plusses is a huge W
You didnt know that? Moments is just a way to get players in who they want.
I need this card man. His gold is already so good.

He is so lucky that he only gets a -1. With his season he deserved a 87.


First time we do not have an overpriced Lukebakio SBC haha


EA are so stingy man. This Rijkaard card should have 2 playstyle plusses. These type of cards benefit the most when they have 2. Not the meta ones...


Atleast it's good fodder but man I wish EA had given him way more pace...


One of the best midfielders of all time. People still underrate him so much. The guy is so consistent and stepped up even when Camavinga and Tchouameni are injured.


I know Mendy is a good card in every game. But man 6.4m is a bit overkill. Like there are enough good left backs with Davies and the recently new Udogie card...


Still not updated here on FUTBIN? Just like the app which is terrible nowadays. FUTBIN is declining a bit. They need to fix up especially the app. Which is so bad. I have deleted it because it's unbearable if you swipe all the time.

You guys say this every time if it doesn't cost 100k. Last year as well with FB Ramos and look how that went...

The previous Walker evo had much better agility and balance but still felt clunky. This one will be way worse. Don't think this Walker card is worth 100k...

Her 91 evo is so goated with the 5/5

Will be worth it anyway. His EVO was already cracked. 1.6m for a CDM that will be on par with TOTY Vieira


Shame his content fell off. But I understand that this franchise isn't really a future when you can do much more with YouTube.


EA is boring man. This card in about 3-4 weeks will never be chosen. Don't think anyone has chosen the player as end reward this game. They really should have made a unique icon just for the season progress. You get people way more excited than this with all due respect.


So apparently they can update it right away. Yeah they are so lazy man. This should be the standard.

First touch is a very good playstyle lol. People heavily underestimate that.

The guy is huge ingame and normally had 58 balance. It's a huge upgrade lol...


You guys really thought EA would EVO a player like Valverde when his special cards are already a lot haha


5 WF is more important than skills this year. This version is incredible with 5 WF. Insigne his shooting is superb. And R1 dribbling is enough with him


Bro his RTTF in FIFA 19 was so unbelievable ingame


Just give the guy 80+ pace man. So annoying that every Moore card is not good enough cause his height is also only not that tall. They could have done something unique with 84 pace and that 99 dribbling for example to make him so unique for that price tag. However of course they only give this guy 74 pace and Maguire got instantly up to 82 with his POTM...

This sbc is more expensive than the new Golazo Roberto Carlos lol. Cant ea replace it haha

That Llorente looks good but man I love my gold Tchouameni right now. Unbelievable as CDM. So I'm so in doubt what I will choose.


So glad I decided to previously upgrade Wan-Bissaka to 83. Another boost will be insane! He is definitely back in my starting XI!


This guy would have been amazing in FIFA 15. The old days man when you could play with Ibarbo, Gervinho and Doumbia for the whole year


I never understand these prices. Like paying that much to turn him untradable lol. Personally I only use First Owner cards in evolutions. That's how it should be.

App is absolutely terrible man. They have to fix it

OMG we can upgrade this Kubo card! Was waiting for this cause he is still in my club!


So glad I did this SBC. He looks nuts.


Lol got trolled thought it was Musiala...

Forever the GOAT in FIFA 23

Finally we can upgrade gold Mendy!


I mean these cards aren't anything better than we have before. EA upped the power curve too much that these cards are just at their lowest price. It's sad but EA has made it this way.


He indeed does but who cares about deserved or not lol. If EA really cared about deserved or not, they should have put in the actual TOTY like they did before FIFA 20...


It's still unbelievable that a CR7 card is now 19,5k. Feels unreal but man time is going fast now. He is almost 40...


I hate EA man. Just let us upgrade him man...


Feel bad for the people that didn't do him. Best CDM I have used and I only think TOTY Vieira will be better. However this Tchouameni card has the 5 WF which is so good for passing.


The best midfielder the Premier League has ever seen. Absolute cheat code man. Being this good when your club is 2-1 behind in minute 70. He turns it around like he never left. He is HIM!

Her 100%

Wow EA did that pretty fast. They should always do it like this and not in a few days or something like in the past.


Really fun card to use in the new Winter Wildcards cup. EA should do these requirements more often. Makes it more fun to face different cards. It's refreshing to not see VVD, Mbappé, Blanc etc in one team...


The new Cup is such a breath of fresh air. Can finally use this De Bruyne card in a game mode. The first SBC I completed and never submitted him. Hopefully EA does these kind of cups every time


He will not have a left back TOTS card lol...


14m for a defender is actually out of this world. Not even during FIFA 15 with coin sellers defenders were this expensive...


Honestly he should as long as Tuchel is there. How on earth can you prefer Dier and Upamecano...


Guy is irreplaceable for me. His dribbling is exceptional and his shooting is also very good. Never had any complains about his shooting


So pointless to add cards like these. Her 94 version wasn't even impressive. And they release an even worse version. Just add another icon like Cruyff then. Worse version of Cruyff will actually be usefull for a lot of people.


Well finally upgraded him to 87. And that was so worth it. His earlier versions are already insane. This guy with so many playstyles is just incredible ingame. If you want to have one of the best CDM's in the game with easy links than this is your guy.


She has to be the most rare gold card in the game. Literally never seen her in any video or on social media. Even Mbappé appears more often.


Let's go finally a SBC that I want to complete!


Ronaldinho is not in the top 5 best attackers at all. Arguably even in the top 10. This Rio is arguably the best CB after TOTY Van Dijk.


He certainly does play at CM at times...


The best RB I have used this year. This guy is just so good both defensively and offensively. Also with the Evo for Showdowns it's even better. All that for just 59k. That's the bargain of the year. Thanks for PSG again for winning haha

I need this card man. Hopefully the EA gods can bless me when I open my packs.

This guy as the most defensive CM for my team is just incredible man. So overlooked cause his name is Trezeguet. However the guy intercepts so much for me. Also with the M/M he just stands on his defensive position all the time. That's just so much better than H/H for me.


Isak with the upgrade would have been nice but sadly Newcastle just sucks this year. Especially defensively it's a horrorshow compared to last year.


You still don't know what Moments means? It's not related to any achievement or playing time. It's just a cheap way for them to choose whoever they want.


Yes the first upgrade for this incredible beast ingame! His 89 was already better than Eusebio for me. Now with more upgrades it's better!


Bruh where is Sawa man EA. Also the lack of PP's is insane....


Best CDM in the entire game. Was lucky to pack him out of my rewards. I had FB Tchouameni before and he was also very good. However this Rodri card feels better on the ball and his passing is just so good. Really handy to have. 100% recommend him if you need the best CDM in the game.


Couldn't they atleast give her a +1. It's so lazy to have an almost identical card from January...


Valencia are just so bad man. They concede 2 in 2 minutes...


Honestly this company man haha. Every time a new mistake will come. Like how are these guys a multi billion company. They are making more mistakes than someone doing there first internship.


It's mind****ing that the price of this WW Van Dijk was the same as his TOTY last year. Unbelievable the TOTY is around 11m. You only see him in Drafts lmao. Nobody is paying that much for a defender...


They recently added Thiago Silva and now we already get this King card. How many CB's does EA want to release. Give us some full backs man...

So glad I still have him in my club! He looks nuts

His farewell was so beautiful! Especially Kroos and his daughter. That was so emotional.


Yeah this card will get no upgrade at all lmao. They didnt win their first 3 against Celta, Girona and Getafe. And their last game is against Barcelona. I really thought they could atleast get 1 win man. Valencia sucks the past decade and it's getting worse and worse...


I know it's only 46 minutes in the promo but man how does a left back even go for 2,4m coins...


Just **** off with EA man. Giving so many people TOTY Messi and then cowardly removing it. It's insanity that we have to face TOTY Messi in literally every game now.


Still extinct at 11.8m. A freaking defender man. Says enough how bad the weight is. However not only that but the weight in general for 87+ cards is horrendously bad. I'm not the only one I think that can't complete the higher rated squads of player SBC's. And buying in this inflated market will also cost you a lot of coins. Shame this TOTY is so bad....


Wanted to always evo him but man 200k is way too much. And the boost isnt even that big. Such a shame...


RIP and my condolences to his family and friends.


Xavi was hot garbage. Putting Balde as CB and Koundé still RB. Doesnt make any sense. Also overall Barcelona is very disappointing despite invested in players like Felix and Cancelo...


Let's go man huge upgrade incoming for him.

Thats awful value for just a +1. Rather pay 250k more for Son.

So glad I did the Evo on him. Tried Rolfö for a while but this 90 version is just better at left back. He feels way faster and is defensively so good. Needed a more defensive full back because I have Cuadrado on the other side.


Absolute joke how EA is treating the Bundesliga. How is he only 92. And also so many cards are just 4/4. Shame for the Bundesliga fans here.


Still extinct at 5.7 million lmao. Has to be the most expensive defender in FUT ever. Like I know Van Dijk is good but man 5.7 for a defender is a bit much...


Not even 1 win out of 3 games. That’s rare to see from Man City. Shame this card only gets 1 upgrade against Luton…


First tradable player I bought in a long time was this Palmer for 1,18m. And look at it now haha. Of course he drops almost 300k after a weekend. Yeah the last time I buy a tradable player. Just like EA wants.


The guy is huge ingame of course he isn't going to feel like Messi. However Socrates normally has 58 balance so it's a huge upgrade with 85. Stop complaining because the guy is always good ingame however always lacked Balance. And they gave a huge boost on this card.


I know he is godly but 7.3 million for a CB is mad. Even with all of them in packs he will still be over 5 million at this rate. That's ridiculous for a CB.


Almost extinct at 11.4m is insanity man. The packweight is at an all time low at this point. Not even with coin sellers in FIFA 15 we saw a defender going for 11.4m. It says enough that the best chance to get a TOTY is to buy FC Points...


I need an Evo soon for this card EA! Still have him in my club cause he is an absolute club legend for me


Mukiele is 2 levels above FB Reece James


18 squads wtf man. What are EA smoking with the prices lately...

That's why he has the playstyle + for sliding tackles!

Best CB in the entire game

Yeah what is there more to tell about this VVD card. His normal gold is already ridiculously good ingame. This version with some really great upgrades is even better. Have tried him in Champs and he brought me back to Rank 3 after I ended the previous 2-3 WL's in Rank 4. Definitely the best CB in the game. I tried the loan version of Maldini and also have the likes of Ferdinand, Blanc, Cordoba, Centurions Thiago Silva, Thun...
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