Trust me. Get this card. I have only played 6 games with him but in division 1 of division rivals and I tell you, he is something else. I have previously tried UCL TOTGS griezmann, aguero, etc. He is a combination of these two on steroids. I have scored 15 goals with 3 assists. Incredible finishing. Brilliant long shots. Decent Dribbling. Surprisingly good passing. Good enough physical (scored 3 headers). To be fair however, I did come up against a weak opponent where I won 7 - 0 and scored 5 with benzema but they were all brilliant finishes against de gea. Incredible value for 120k-ish.
Physical (Strength)
A tad slow for end game
Not excellent agility/dribbling
So your main question is: is he worth doing? My anwser would be - of course. For around 120k you are getting an end game player rated 96 on CF with maestro chem. style. I managed to lower the cost of Benzema with some untradables to only 40k. First thing I did was moving him to a CAM role in a 4-3-3(4) tactic. The main aspect I directly noticed was his ball control - it is like he has a glue on his feets. Because of that he feels much faster than the card would suggest. Another noticable ability was his shot power which was really powerfull (99 with maestro). Last but not least are his workrates. Med/Low might not seem ideal for you but for Benzema it is. He doesn't go too far in attacking state of the game so he is always available to get the ball and distribute it to others. Big benefit is possibility to strong link him to Bale which I did.
I am really glad I made this SBC and I encourage you to do so if he fits your team.
Ball control
Shot power
No cons
Was actually apprehensive as wanted to save 120-150k coins at first. But then saw it could be done cheaper so i thought, just do it
i mean, compared to the Robben Premium SBC, this or the Ramsey one is far easier to obtain
Let's get to it, i play a traditional 4-4-1-1. Put Karim at CF with Hawk chemistry, which is similar to my main squad and the position is taken by Mandzukic.
I found them quite similar other than Karim's M / M work rate. He scored goals for me, created chances, held up play well to support the counter attacks
Used him in the weekend league and did well for me, Div 5 player, finishing Gold 3. In fact i rotated my sole strikers from Carniball Inaki, SIF Suarez and ended with UCL Live Griezzy.
Glad i did the SBC, i now favour Karim playing in this La Liga team of mine
- Much better than the UCL Live card
- People talk about the Defending stat lowered, but didn't really affect my play much
- Good with head and both feet
- Not the fastest card but can mitigate with Hunter or Catalyst chem
- M work rate bothers me as i like players who hustle the ball
So I was pondering if this card would be worth getting as I already had griezmann and he was doing such a good job for me.
As I already had a good few players in my club that would fit in the sbc I said why not. I manged to do the SBC for around 30-35k
but it normally costs around 130k or so.
Was it worth it?
In my opinion this card's effectiveness is purely based on your play style and how you work the ball on the pitch.
I like to play quick counter attacking football this fifa so Benzema seemed perfect for me.
His ability to hold up the ball utilized Martials and Saint-Maximins pace which allowed them to fly down the wing or go clean through on goal
His finishing is something else all together. I found myself quite often laying him the ball on the edge of the box and watching as he would smash it top corner first time.
His 87 composure mixed with his 92 finishing and 99 shot power left him deadly in one on one situations. I achieved this by using the Hawk chemistry style.
His 32 goals in 29 games for me with most of them coming in fut champs means he will certainly be my striker for time to come.
If you can get him in a striking partnership with Griezmann as Benzema has a tendency to wait for the ball and not make runs in behind.
Benzemas brilliant hold up play and Griezmanns penetrating runs could make for a deadly team.
Hold up play
Shot power(Hawk chem style)
Physical game
Lack of runs behind the defence
Pace(can be fixed with a hunter chem style)
Work rates
Appena ho visto questo Benzema e la possibilità di completare questa sfida gratis non ho potuto non farla(anche perchè ultimamente il mio Griezmann 91 non rendeva come prima). Appena completata la sfida l'ho piazzato dietro a Ben Yedder UEL, Neymar UCL e Saint Maximin FS e devo dire che non è male. Tira fuori dal cilindro certi gol ma ne sbaglia altrettanti facilissimi(me ne ha sbagliato uno a porta vuota e avevo tirato di time verde).
Non è male, non dribblo molto con lui ma quelle poche volte riesce a superarmi i difensori con una facilità disarmante.
Sicuramente non è il migliore ma qualche bel passaggino me lo sforna.
Ha un gran tiro, sicuramente il migliore della Liga. Come detto prima alterna bei tiri a gol clamorosi sbagliati davanti alla porta(magari è anche il periodo visto che con lui prendo 4 pali a partita) però tutto sommato lo metterei tra i pro
Mantiene molto bene il pallone e molte volte vince i contrasti aerei con i difensori e ha anche un'ottima agilità.
Inutile recensire questo aspetto per un attaccante ma recupera molti palloni in attacco per essere un attaccante.
Per essere un 84 è abbastanza veloce(provato le prime volte senza stile intesa) però se metti falco o cacciatore a questo giocatore diventa completo e abbinato all'ottimo fisico diventa infermabile.
4* Skill
4* Piede Debole
Workrate Basso/Medio (certe volte si fa sentire)
As the title of the review may suggest, he plays middle cam in 4231, behind gold bale and between gold neymar and 95 cf messi.
I completed his sbc for 80k back when it came out and i've never taken him out of my team once. i started using him at ST in 5212 with marskman alongside bale and he did well (9 games 8 goals 8 assists), but after packing leo i decided to change the team to play those 3 beasts, so now he plays middle CAM. in that position i opted for engine because it boosts pace, balance and long passing which i felt like the major flaws in his card. shooting and strength are already good enough. --> this is the team now, i'm waiting to get the 5 tokens to get 88 cancelo and thus upgrade the gk spot. he will play on 8 chem when that happens, but 8 chem isn't that big of a downgrade from 10 (i already tried it with messi).. it'll make him MAYBE microscopically worse, if that much.
he has strength to hold off opponents, 4*4* to be unpredictable, extremely good passing, dribbling and shooting. pace is ok. he's perfect for middle cam, especially with wide players like messi and neymar who are fast and make good runs. not to forget bale at st. he can set the 3 of them pretty well with his passing and skills. his vision specifically is insane and allows him to play wild accurate throughballs that most players just can't do. it seems like he can see any space to make the ball run through for his teammates.
but he can also score well from outside and inside the box thanks to his powerful shot.
his workrates were not an issue at all for me, especially at middle cam. his 95 positioning seems to be a pretty strong compensation and by the way he's not the player that has to make the runs.
overall, an absolutely powerful and effective card, especially for his full price, even more for the price i completed the sbc for. the fact that he's untradeable does not hurt squadbuilding one bit because he has a lot of good links being french from real madrid. he doesn't have any glaring flaws apart from long passing which is the only real issue i have with him.
everything else is at least good, mostly amazing.
Disclaimer: pace is neither a pro or a con, it's neither awesome or terrible. i think it's very usable, he does not feel slow. stamina also feels ok
Links (you do have him untradeable so if you want to use him you need good links. he has plenty)
Price (he's untradeable but at least he's cheap)
Vision and passing (short and throughballs)
Shooting, especially from outside the box
Dribbling, even though he's not the most agile player of course
Long passing can be pretty bad at times