Gianfranco Zola's Prime Icon card is rated 90, he is 168cm | 5'6" tall, right-footed Italy striker (CF)
that plays for
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.5
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,811,939 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.495.
Gianfranco Zola has 2 special cards
with ratings between 85 and 90.
The best chemistry style for him is HUNTER.
He was born on 05-07-1966.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 380,000 on PlayStation,
354,000 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
So I bought Zola about a month ago for roughly 900k. I had the coins and was looking for an icon. After comparing a few players I finally landed on Zola. My god was this the best decision I've made in this game. This man is an animal. Without a doubt the best striker I have played with so far this year. He can score from anywhere and is sneaky physical given his size and stats. I've noticed more and more often that he makes a decent amount of defensive plays. I want to also mention that I have the hunter chem on him, making his shooting almost unfair. In 72 games I have scored 54 times with him. He has been an absolute game changer. I noticed he works really well as the target man, he can make runs past the defenders but that isn't all that necessary because of his shooting ability he can score from anywhere near and around the box, not just on beating the defenders with pace. I'd recommend Zola to anyone who has the coins to get him and is looking for an icon. I think he is one of the best bang for your buck icons.
Shooting (all around)- finishing, long shots, volleys, free kicks, you name it Zola scores from anywhere
Pace- very quick and makes great runs
Dribbling- 4* skills, feels like the ball sticks to his foot
Stamina- This man goes 100 MPH the entire game
Physical- He can easily get taken off the ball from a much more physical defender and at only 5'6 he won't be scoring many headers
I did this man's SBC to replace Antoine Griezmann. Griezmann for me was the GOAT, perfect player, he had finesse shots, pace, he was incredible. Zola is from another level, his 92 curve, 92 finishing, 91 shot power and 90 longshot. This man shoots bombs from everywhere and his weak foot feels like 5 stars(unlike griez's that felt like 1). His shooting is not his only strenght, with a hunter style he is a lightning bolt with his agility and height, plus his passing is perfect. Get him.
Only thing this card suffers is stamina, around 70th minute you prefer putting someone else.
i traded in my makelele prime about a week ago due to simple boredom, he was really good but his shooting qualities failed him in key points of matches so i traded him in for Zola. so far, he has been excellent, 17 games played, 13 goals and 5 assists as a left cam. i am playing a 4-2-2-2 in game and my god are his finesse shots dangerous. he plays right under my suarez which really gets his qualities to shine. his ball control and agility really let him swift past defenders without a problem, most times if you match up against the sorts of van dijk and Varane, they will stop him 7/10 times and his height is a real bummer. his stamina was worrying when i chose him over the likes of Hagi And Vieri but he has been performing which i am glad for. i sub him off around the 70th minute for either inform martial or el chucky. im waiting for the next icon sbc to trade him in hopefully for someone who has as good shooting and dribbling as him, just higher and better stamina.
shooting- (all of it)
pace - perfect pace for a cam, the 88 acceleration helps him a lot and with a hawk or a hunter, he feels like has more than 90 pace.
dribbling - amazing ball control and excellent balance and agility.
passing - his through balls in the air are pin point and his long passes on the ground are really aided by his 90 curve. short passes are also great( as expected)
height - he is only 5,6 (168cm) tall and has never won a header for me, do not expect him to win one for you either due to his bad jumping and heading accuracy.
physical - he gets bullied very easily of the ball if you do not use him correctly, he has no strength at all.
Disclaimer: I'm a very standard fifa player who gets gold 1/2 in WL, but i am very passionate about this game and i invest a lot of time into it
I'm writing this review just before I rinse Zola into the Raul SBC and i thought this card deserved a review.
I used him for 269 games at CAM and he brought me 155 Goals & 121 Assists (i know those stats don't sound good, but for me the consistency was there)
This card was an absolute treat to use throughout those games. He clutched me so many wins and actually made the game fun to play with his insane dribbling, ball control and his shooting which is out of this world. I always knew this card wasn't perfect and eventually I'd rinse him through another SBC, but I'm an avid Chelsea fan and I just wanted to play with him.
I'll go into more detail below.
Pace: Zola's pace on and off the ball is perfect for a CAM, due to him being so small and his ball control being 92 he is extremely quick carrying the ball. I used a hunter on him as well to just add that extra edge.
Shooting: There's honestly not much I can say about this he is just utter class from Finesse shots to low drivens he has it all and his 4* weak foot is superb.I only noticed his composure of 79 now which surprised me because its never been an issue.
Dribbling: Personally my favourite attribute on this card he is just so quick with the ball. His acceleration out of skills is fantastic and the 4* skills makes it even better. The ball is glued to his feet.
Passing: This is a stat that I mistakenly didn't realize how important it his, but I definitely came to my senses after using Zola. He has to be played at CAM to actually noticed how good it is and my word is it good- pinpoint precision consistently.
Physicality: So this is what worried me most about this card. Zola is obviously not a physical player his strength is not there, but he does retain possession well. Personally I didnt find his strength a big issue you just need to play to his strengths. But his Stamina is whats holding this card back from being a Top Tier icon with his H/M work rates he tracks back a bit and fetches the ball which is really good, but by the 60th minute hes useless and needs to be sub-out'.
The Con on this card is obviously quite big, but it can definitely be looked over due to his incredible stats in other areas
I used Messi for a while, thoroughly enjoyed the card. However, I wanted to give FFS Cutrone a try. So to fit him in to my team I swapped Messi for Zola thinking it would only be a minor downgrade. Jesus christ was I wrong, he's like Messi on steroids. I ran him with an engine, and he honestly felt so silky smooth I can't even put words to it. His agility is insane, he can make 180 turns in milliseconds, the ball is glued to his feat at all times, his first touch is always flawless. Even when right infront of goal, being pressured by defenders and the goalie, even if he's fucking running. The first touch is gonna be picture perfect. On top of that he's insanely clinical, he hasn't missed a goal he should have scored yet. I've used Neymar, Mbappe, Messi, FBD Dybala etc and he outshines them all in almost every way. If you like Messi, Gomez, Dybala, Hazard etc, I couldn't recommend this card any more.
First Touch
Ball Control
Strenght(Still, does not get pushed off the ball nowhere near as easily as Messi)
Heading(Obviously, he's a gnome)
Stamina(Not that bad if you play him at striker, if you play him at CAM then you'd have to sub him out in the 70th minute)
I did the SBC back in late fall of 2018 where i had the choice of 1 out of 5 icons. I chose Zola because he was the quickest and had the best shooting out of the other options. I played over 100 games with him and he was just as good in the last game as he was in the first. He is such a clutch player, scoring so many goals after 80 minutes. If you have a free shot on target or a chance to finesse, you will not be disappointed His shot power is very good and his dribbling ability is just fine. Very glad I chose him for the SBC.
-Shooting (driven and finesse)
-Consistency (averaged just under 1 goal per game)
-Pace (just enough, but with Hunter chem style even faster)
-Strength (gets muscled off the ball very easily)
-Height (did not win any headers in the box or at midfield)
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