Emilio Butragueño's ICON MOMENTS card is rated 93, he is 168cm | 5'6" tall, right-footed Spain striker (ST)
that plays for
with Med/Low work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.5
out of 5 .
He has 5-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game.
Emilio Butragueño has 3 special cards
with ratings between 87 and 93.
He was born on 22-07-1963.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 1,265,000 on PlayStation,
974,000 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Oh my oh my, this little lad has been insane for me. Just to lay some reference points in why i feel im able to review this card objectively, is that i have used some great strikers before
Own squad: Prime Dalglish, PIM Raul, PIM Drogba, PIM Crespo, Mbappe SIF
Draft: PIM R9, PIM R10, PIM Eusebio, PIM Garrincha
He is of cause not as good as the Draft guys, but on level with Garrincha.
I uses a Maestro on him, and i would not change it for the world.
Shooting (10/10): HE. WILL. NOT. MISS. He bangs in everything, left, right and center with an insane velocity from every angel possible with both left and right foot. In addition he has the fineseshot trait, which is just a nice addition.
Pace(9/10): He is quick, very quick! However he is not the fast runner, Kent-ish player. he has an insane burst of acceleration, but on the distance he, like every other player in this game gets catched by the defender.
Dribbling (9,5/10): This guy just turns as he wants to. He is so small and agile with high balance, combining that with his high acceleration, just makes your opponents defenders dizzy. Left stick dribbling has never been more fun, and he makes Messi feels like you are playing with Drogba. The only downside is that he is only a 3* dribbler. If he had higher he would be up there with Eusebio i believe.
Physical (3/10): Yikes, this is the only downside. Due to his small frame, he gets pushed off the ball if you let any defender come close. But it is actually possible to keep the defenders away due to his high dribbling. However there is this one wierd thing about him, he can jump like Jordan, and actually sometimes win arial duals. Im not saying he is gonna be winning duals against Van Dijk or something, but the smaller defenders he actually stands a chance. Stamina wise, he last for the whole 90 minutes, overtime is an issue for his tiny legs.
Passing (8,5/10): This guy can also pass! especially with that chem style ofc.
Overall: (10/10) he is by far the best player i have ever had on my team! He makes the game fun again. He is just what my team needed, a deadly, quick, agile, two footed, little spaniard.
He has now played 22 games and scored 36 goals, all from WL.
only played div 2 rivals so far but can’t wait to tear up WL!
this card is seriously unreal. Forget the 3* skills, this guy could find space in a single bed with Gemma Collins
he is the sharpest player I’ve used on this game and I’ve used all Ben yedders, all neymars, Messi, mbappe, tots aguero (rubbish) and so many more. Butra is so agile it’s a joke
he is very fast and easily beats players for pace, however his only let down is his strength.
his finesse shots should be illegal they’re got tier, and his 5* WF means his shots from either side of the box are going in with the finesse shot trait!
he takes up good areas on the pitch and is great to do 1-2’s with to make space in the opponents box or edge of the box to shoot
his passing is reasonably good, you wouldn’t play him CAM to create (he would be great as a goal scorer) but at ST he’s unreal and causes so many problems. I get elite 2 most weeks and this card has people man marking him with CB and CDM so if he doesn’t have a chance to score then he makes so much space for everyone else to drive into the box
agility and balance
finesse shots
shot power
near post finishing is godly
turns instantly
great positioning
long passing
2 mi (as of 6th May) so not affordable for most but you get a lot for what you pay for
Let me preface this by saying im not a great player, i usually finish Gold 3 with 1 or no games left, but this weekend i managed to get Gold 2 with 2 games left to play, and its pretty much all because of this guy, he managed to bag a cool 38 goals in 25 games, and managed a good 17 assists as well, 55 Goal contributions in 25 games. He isn't perfect obviously, no player is. His workrates aren't the best, i didn't notice them too much, but sometimes they did get in the way, he also sometimes hit the post on chances i believe he should've scored. Other than that, hes a sublime striker who i'd recommend wholeheartedly if you have the coins.
Shooting, Absolutely sublime (most of the time)
Dribbling, Lean, and high agility/balance all comes together to make a quality dribbler who very rarely will let you down
Passing, this surprised me the most, he is a quality passer from the ST position, definitely wouldn't recommend as a cam but hes competent in strike
Pace, he is fast, yeah hes not Adama or Mbappe, but he does the job well.
Weak Foot, honestly if i didn't know h was right footed i wouldn't be able to tell, both feet are absolute wands
M/L workrates are the only issue i had with him
Physicals, hes not strong obviously but his dribbling makes up for it
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