Johnathan Aparecido Silva's TOTS card is rated 91, he is 184cm | 6'0" tall, right-footed Brazil striker (ST)
that plays for
Tianjin TEDA FC
with High/Low work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.3
out of 5 .
He has 5-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game.
Johnathan Aparecido Silva has 2 special cards
with ratings between 77 and 91.
He was born on 29-03-1990 and he is now 34 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 80,000 on PlayStation,
89,000 on Xbox,
and 95,000 on PC.
I used this card because of how similar he looked to TOTW Moments 91 Son and I Can Say he did not disappoint! The Combination of 5 Star Weak Foot, 4 Star Skills and Everything you need for a ST In this game made him perfect the perfect number 9! This card has no traits but the Finesse Shots are crazy and the finishing is unreal! Get him in front of goal and hell finish it off. This i by far the best Brazilian ST in the game apart from R9 and for only 250K at the moment he is worth every single penny!
Packed this guy in my guaranteed CSL / Eredivise pack and was pretty hyped as he's probably one of the top 5 players available from that pack. I packed untradeable Shapeshifter Richarlison a while ago and he has been a mainstay at ST for me ever since, with 197 goals in 227 games, mostly WL and rivals. Given Johnathan is Brazilian and looks very similar to that Richarlison card from multiple angles (WF / Skill moves / base card stats), I was hoping he would be a slight upgrade and slotted him right into my team in Richarlison's normal spot. I gave him a Sniper chemistry style hoping to boost the composure, reactions, and positioning as much as possible (for reference I use Engine on SS Richarlison).
I'll use Richarlison as a baseline for comparison throughout the review because of the similar stats and player profiles, and because I'm sure a lot of people will be comparing both of them when looking to build a squad.
After about 5 games in Rivals, I can say for sure that I'll be going back to Richarlison in the upcoming Weekend League. There are a few key elements which this card falls short on when compared to Richarlison which for me heavily impacted in-game performance:
Johnathan's High / Low workrates combined with only 90 attacking positioning led his movement to feel very stagnant for me in the attack. I played Joao Pedro at CAM behind him and it often felt like Johnathan would just stand in the middle of the attacking third while Joao Pedro made all the good runs where he should have gone. Compare this to Richarlison, who has High / Medium with 94 positioning, and is excellent at getting in behind and playing one-twos
Johnathan's passing and holdup play definitely felt sub-par. I think this may be down to his low vision and long passing, as the other stats are relatively high. There were multiple times when I wanted to play my wingers through or link up with my CAM when Johnathan made a wayward pass that killed the attack. I would say he felt about equal in strength to Richarlison, which is likely down to his strength stat being higher but aggression being much lower.
Dribbling felt average - for me this was the biggest disappointment as most of Johnathan's dribbling stats are significantly higher than Richarlison's, and I applied a Sniper specifically to boost reactions and composure up to a usable level. Even with Sniper though, Johnathan felt a step slower than Richarlison in all of his dribbles, which made the difference in front of goal a couple of times.
This review may come off as overly negative, but that's just a product of me comparing Johnathan directly to Richarlison. I would definitely recommend Johnathan to people on a budget as he is currently less than 1/2 the price of Richarlison SS and likely to become even more affordable. I wouldn't expect him to carry your team or wow you with his movement, but he will definitely be clinical in front of goal and pop up in good positions.
+ Finishing on both feet
+ Pace
+ Linkability to Brazilians (e.g., Kaka from icon swaps, Paulinho, etc.)
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