Nick Lima's FOUNDATIONS card is rated 83, he is 175cm | 5'9" tall, right-footed United States defender (LB)
that plays for
SJ Earthquakes
Major League Soccer (MLS)
with High/High work rates.
His average user review rating is 3.3
out of 5 .
He has 4-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 105,606 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.021.
Nick Lima has 1 special cards
with ratings between 69 and 83.
The best chemistry style for him is BASIC.
He was born on 17-11-1994 and he is now 30 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
Nick Lima Objectives
Major League Maestro
Play 15 matches in the FUT Live Friendly: Managerial Masterpiece, with at least 7 MLS players in your starting squad
This weekend league I really wanted to play Opara and bought him for 20k one day before the MLS player objectives came out. When I saw this card I got really hyped (Great stats for a card where you only need to play 15 games for and you don't even need to win the games haha). All games I played with him where in the weekend league. I played nearly a full MLS backline with him, Long, Opara, Walker and Hamid. (Hamid is btw a great keeper considering his stats and his rating)
In the Weekend League I found out that this guy is a beast. He is for sure the best LB I used this year and I used players like Mendy, Telles, Robertson.
Pace: Even if he has 92 pace already I still used a Shadow Chem Style on him. He was so quick that he was able to catch up to players like Adama, Mbappé or Neymar.
This was also very important for my offensive play because I often pass the ball to him so he can run in the midfield and create some space for my midfielders and strikers. In the build up play he was unstoppable.
Shooting: I think he never had the chance to show his shooting ability in my team haha
Passing: His passing is pretty good. I don't take risky passes or play many long balls with my wingbacks. He didn't make any bad passes to my midfielders.
Dribbling: His dribbling was outstanding. When he catches up to a player and takes the ball from him away he was very strong on the ball and easy to control the ball with
Defending: Very very good. He didn't do any dumb tackles. You can easily get the ball from your opponent. It doesn't matter if the opponent is directly in front of you or if you need to catch up to him at first and tackle him from behind.
Physicality: He is surprisingly very strong and he can shield off the ball pretty good. In one game he was also able to push Rulebreaker Lukaku off the ball. I think he is such a good defender because of his agression. He realy wants to get the ball from the defender and he fights for your team!!
I hope I could help you if you're unsure of doing him. I know he is pretty hard to link if you don't want to play MLS in the backline or if you don't have some Icons to link him. This guy is completely worth for just playing 15 games. This is my first player review and I wanted to post one on this card because no one reviewed him just yet :)
Sorry for my bad english haha
Have a great day guys and GL with him in your Weekend League
4* Weak foot
Hard to Link
Maybe skills if you like to have 4* Skills on your defenders
In the defense i can`t complain: He´s fast, he has good defense,...
And ingame I don´t even noticed that he´s right footed as a LB. It´s not annoying. So for everyone who can link him (maybe with opara) its a good option for free.
insane Pace
Good work in the defense
Stamina & Strenght
shooting (bus he´s a LB so ok)
offensive: in my tactics he wasn´t much offensive -> only 4 scorer points
When I first saw this card I was excited because getting a LB for my American team is cool. Also he strong links to Opara who is very good. At the moment though, Lima is only in my team because he links Opara. Other than that, he is terrible. This card is so bad in game I've considered restructuring my team just to avoid using this garbage card.
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