Bruno da Silva Peres's RTTF card is rated 88, he is 178cm | 5'10" tall, right-footed Brazil defender (RB)
that plays for
Roma FC
Serie A TIM
with High/Low work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.5
out of 5 .
He has 2-star weak foot
and 3-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 13,001,839 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.011.
Bruno da Silva Peres has 3 special cards
with ratings between 77 and 96.
The best chemistry style for him is ANCHOR.
He was born on 01-03-1990 and he is now 34 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 0 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
About The Promo Card: For a very long time, I´ve had the 77 version of Bruno Peres so making an upgrade to his 81 version was a good deal, he´s so good in game and with an Anchor or Sentinel, he´ll be your reliable RB in SerieA for a while, he reminds me of 84 Juan Jesus last year, He has a few downsides that can be countered with the right instructions, he´ll defintely get an upgrade because ACRoma is at top of their group stage and I´ll guess they´ll reach at least Semi Finals if they don´t run into any boulder, so you can imagine this guy with an 88 card, Is way cheaper to get like Cuadrado or simply do Atal´s SBC, but since his price is dropping like crazy I would get him in your SerieA team to guarantee you an 84 rated until EA releases FUTMAS or a new promo that gives a good RB for a low price.
About The In Game Usability: I wouldn´t say that Bruno Peres is a beast, there are others cheaper RB´s that are more game changing then him, the Low/High workrates for a RB kinda ruins the card because he won´t care about your defense unless you use the instruction that disallows him to make attacking runs but even like that he´s reliable defensively he can easily outrun many pacy left wingers and his stamina lasts him the whole match and extra time if necessary, he´s very good at crossing that´s why I suggest you use powerhouse on this card bacause he´ll easily cross the ball to any player you have with no effort at all.
Pace (One of main features RB´s must have)
Dribbling (The 68 reaction doesn´t ruin the dribbling, unless you´re trying to rainbow flick with him)
Defense (He´s really solid defensively)
Crossing (Early Crossings have been really OP this year and having a good RB that supplies you that is necessary)
Stamina (90 stamina will last you a long period in game)
Low/High Workrate (He´s good attacking but takes too long to come back and rebuild the defensive line)
Height (He´s 178cm or 5'10", for me it doesn´t help much being small and not being able to gain the ball on the air)
Composure (Sometimes he´ll miss the most random passes)
Key Stats (Many Key Stats are below 80 but that´ll probably change with the upgrade)
I am a gold 1- elite 3 player. I tried bruno first with his 81 rated card and he was not good, so i sell him and bought cuadrado rule breaker, after roma won their group stage I bought him again and he surprised me, he is very fast and also has a very nice dribbling to get the ball out. He is definitely better than Cuadrado and the best thing is that he will be a 86 rated card soon or even 87. i really recommend to get him now because 120k for this player who will get an upgrade is a buy or buy price. he doesn't miss any pass (important if you use your rb to get the ball out or to help the cdm get the ball out). Sometimes he's pysical is not enough, and he is awful with headers that's why i still prefer other rb in the game but if you play serie a this is your best option, maybe with his next upgradeshis physical will be no longer a problem and even with this issue he is very good and gave me a lot of confidence on that right side.
Very fast
Excellent dribbling
good passes
Stamina, 120 minutes and he still runs like it was the first minute
I packed him in the party bag back in December and I can honestly say I've been very pleased with him. Lots of people seem to have problems with his ability in the air, but for me he seems to win a lot of headers, despite his height (5'10) and mediocre physical stats. I use him as a defensive rb in a 4231 formation and he is suited well for this role, but I the also performs well going forward. His good dribbling stats, including great agility and balance allow him to make impressive driving runs into space in midfield. Furthermore, while he is currently 84 rated, Roma have been drawn against Braga in the UEL so hopefully he will be upgraded to an 86 and perhaps further in the near future. However, at the time of writing he is just over 200k, which while I personally believe is worth it, if you are running a budget squad then you might want to consider other options.
This is the best card for me and I was fortunate to pack him from the Fut Party Bag. Firstly, I didn't like him because he was only 84 overall but it's a live card and Roma FC has won lots of matches. Now, it's 87 overall and Roma FC plays against Ajax. Nevertheless, he's so good and I think it's an end-game card. So lucky to pack him....
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