Antony Matheus dos Santos's FUTURE STARS card is rated 88, he is 172cm | 5'8" tall, left-footed Brazil midfielder (CAM)
that plays for
Eredivisie (NED 1)
with High/Med work rates.
His average user review rating is 4.1
out of 5 .
He has 3-star weak foot
and 4-star skill moves,
He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 1,348,886 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.622.
Antony Matheus dos Santos has 4 special cards
with ratings between 78 and 90.
The best chemistry style for him is DEADEYE.
He was born on 24-02-2000 and he is now 24 years old.
His real-life stats are currently 0 goals and 0 assists in 2 matches in domestic competition. He also received 0 yellow cards and 0 red cards.
His current price on FUT is 0 on PlayStation,
0 on Xbox,
and 0 on PC.
IF ONLY THIS GUY HAD 5 Star Skills :( As soon as this card arrived i just knew id have to try him asap and get a review out for everyone so you guys know what you are in for when you fork out half your life savings just to get this guy... Buying him in the first 2 hours and then playing a couple matches and selling him i lost about 100k *pain*, but all in all this guy is an absolute joy to use as you can all imagine. On and off the ball this guy may aswell be dash from the incredibles because dayum this kid is rapid. and not only is he fast, the ball sticks to his feet like... actually lets not go there, anyway he is short and nimble which does much him susceptible to being bullied off the ball unfortunately and it does happen quite often so dont be suprised if varane steam trains you multiple times a game. This guys shooting suprised me because his weak foot didnt actually seem to bad at all, however passing wise you did feel the weak foot coming into play, which was interesting because i feel like his passing was underwhelming as he wasnt as precide or as consistent as he should be in that department. and in saying that, his has incredible curve and can whip in a ball but he doesnt have finesse shot trait which is a real bummer for when you get into that sweet spot on the field. If you guys wanted to see some gameplay, i have a video on YT and itd mean the world if you guys dropped by and let me know what you think <3 !!! On the whole though this guy is super enjoyable and can really transform your game if you feel like fifa is getting boring, however i wouldnt really pay upwards of 500k just because for that price you could get neymar who is better imo.
Face Card looks unreal
Dribbling is next level which compliments his pace perfectly
Decent Shooting
Brazilian Links
Enjoyment Factor
4 Star Skill Moves
Flair and Outside of the Foot Shot Traits
Price is too expensive for someone in an off league
3 Star Weak Foot
Passing Surprisingly
Physicality which is expected
No Finesse shot trait really hinders his overall value imo
I was lucky enough to pack this card from a 81+ player pick and I was excited to give him a try. I immediately changed my whole squad but it was worth it. I placed him on CAM and put him a DEADEYE chem style to boost is Shooting and Passing.
His overall Pace is 98 which is pretty amazing and it doesn't seem to be something different in-game. He feels so fast with or without the ball and Pace is one important stat in a defensive game like FIFA 21. Speed Dribbler Trait helps a lot. I would give him a 10/10.
About dribbling, this card has 93 Dribbling, 97 Agility and 93 Balance. He is one of the most agile players I have ever used. Ball Control feels also amazing and with Technchal Dribbler Trait and Flair Trait he can dribble the ball through the opponent with much ease in no time. His 4* Skill Moves help a lot if you are a guy like me who uses Skill Moves all the time. His Body Type feels good and it adds up to his Dribbling. I give a 10/10 for Dribbling.
As indicated on th card, he has 82 Shooting. With DEADEYE it goes up to 88 on 8 Chemistry and on 10 Chemistry it goes up to 91 which is good but he could have 85+ Shooting without the Chemistry Style. If he is in the box, there is a high probability he will score from any angle possible. On the other hand, Shooting from outside the box is not his strong Stat. He has good Long Shots but ot something crazy and Long Shot Taker Trait doesn't help that much. Although Finesse Shots from inside or outside the box are just thrilling to watch. The goal keeper has no chance of saving his Finesse and even from outside the box. The curve that the ball takes is so good that it seems like someone is controlling the ball. Outside The Foot Shot is helpful in a 1v1 situation. Also Chip Shots are not great. His Weak Foot seems like 4* Weak Foot but you can see the difference between his Left Foot and his Right Foot. I give 9/10 for Shooting.
His Passing is good for a CAM but not something crazy that will blow your mind. He doesn't mis his Passes but he can't complete hard Passes like Lobs and Crosses. Passing with his Weak Foot is ok. I have used players like Hagi or Dybala and whose Passing is one of their dominant stats and Antony's Passing cannot be compared with their's. I would give a 8/10.
I am not a person who would be bothered by a card's Physicality Stats other than Stamina. His Stamina is crazy good and he surely will not be changed by someone on the 60th minute, even in a position which requires a lot of stamina and runs that will make your CAM tired. Antony is not one of them. Jumping is ok, not something amazing and Aggression is pretty good for a CAM. Strength might bother some people but it doesn't bother me or anyone who has played with Rulebreakers Podence. I give a 7/10 just for the stamina.
PACE: 10/10
To sum up, this card is not only amazing but fun to use too. He is worth the 500k coins but if you only have 500k-650k don't spend them in one olayer or just wait for the price to fall.
Also for me he was not much of a game changer but in my opinion he is still better than Hagi.
when i saw this card i got so excited, he looked really fun. his price annoyed me so i tried to pack him and sadly on friday gave up. i noticed his price had fell from 700-800 to 600 and i was expecting a winter refresh to 5sm and his price would boom when that happened, so i bit and bought him. i dont regret it at all. i wanted to play him on the wing but the price made me want to put him st to really change my game. on his first game he scored a hat trick with his unstoppable speed, finally someone outpaced varane ang gomez! his shots are honestly much better than expected, his strong foot shots go in a lot of times. the ball also sticks to his feet when he gets tackled which I LOVE. to finish it off, i would recommend him. his price wont drop as the supply is limited.
PACE - he can outpace most cbs in the game, and full backs aswell
his close dribbling is unreal, ball moves so fast in his feet
one twos break the defence.
STICKY FEET, the ball sticks to his feet sometimes
Weak Foot
Physicality sometimes (the ball sticks to his feet though so i dont mind it that much)
I used it him various positions, first I tried RM, then LM, then ST and finally CAM. Unfortunately, neither of these items impressed me. He felt sluggish all the time and I couldn't feel his pace. Passing is also not the best, the only thing he does well is crosses, he has a problem with long passes but sometimes even short ones. Shots are as indicated on the card, not too good, but not bad either. Another downside is his weaker leg. 3 * WF is unfortunately not enough and there is no 4 * SM which is another disadvantage of this card.
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