Best lb in the game!!!
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Packed him from my 10x85. I use him at rb because of the 5* wf and he is class. For me he is better than Theo Hernandez TOTW.


-Great defending for a fullback

-Good physical

-Great agility

-5* wf

-3* skills if you want to skill with your fullbacks

-Maybe workrates (High/Med) if you want him to stay back but thats only a small problem

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (4/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Other Reviews
Thomas Delaine
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I packed this card in my 84x25 and instantly replaced guendozi for him and I was not disappointed how this card is so cheap I will just never understand. His winter wildcard was super meta and this card it no different, it just feels like no one gets around him his defensive ai is amazing great tacking, 99 stamina and great physicals with good passing and dribbling he also have the 5 star weak foot and 4 star skill moves whic...
Thomas Delaine
Surprisingly beast
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Thomas Delaine
This man is incredible. I packed him out of the 85 x 10 pack alongside Sterling and a few other crakin plurs and out of all of them players he has played the best and the most and has stayed in my team ever since. He can run across the pitch with such ease and can score goals as well (especially corners) with 37 goals in 297 games