Cheap serbian mad lad
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Kostic is a very underrated player irl (just look at his goal against Bayern this season)and has been a very consistent player in his years as a Frankfurt player, even being one of the top players in the league. However, we all know his quality doen't necessraily transpire in Fifa. Someone looking at this card with 3 star skills and 2 star weak foot will legit be repulsed and horrified. But when you think about what this card can offer on the LEFT SIDE of your team only, things are suddenly very different.

I picked up this card cuz i wanted to play him as a CM, and he didnt' let me down once in the 23 games he played. What impressed me the most is his ability to feed through long lifted through balls with great accuracy and precision. Kostic already notched a few lovely assists for my RM Ousmane Dembélé to latch onto and score with venomous precision. PLaying him as a CM, even though he is quite a tall player, his DRIBBLING combined with his superb PACE that can be boosted with a SHADOW chem style are almost unrivalled in the middle of the park. He can quite literaly go through a whole midfield and destroy the middle lines with ease if you know how to control him. Last but not least, this guy can be lethal oustide of the box: his SHOOTING is surprisngly good and Kostic already wrote his name on the scroing charts several times thanks to outside of the box bangers.

My closing words are thus: do not be dismayed by this guy's one footed-ability, cause if you know how to use it, you will enjoy the sweetness of a HIDDEN GEM of a card. Cheers for reading

* long through balls

* shooting, especially ouside the box

* right stick dribbling

* electric pace

* strength

* defensive abilities: his H/H workrate make him a threat both defensively and offensively

* 2 star weak foot

* balance

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (8/10)
Other Reviews
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