One of my friends did the Icon SBC and packed Ronaldo, I then knew I had to try my luck, I opened mine after selling some important players which being in Elite Division and Rank 2 in FUT Champions I knew I would miss, after checking some of the worst countries, I checked if my Icon was nigerian, and there was Okocha. My first impression was, damn, I am using Dembele and leaving him for another SBC, but since he was untradable I decided to try him out, and thank god I did. He is one of the most fun players if not the most I've used this year, incredibly good with the ball, can run down the wing, down the middle, dribble anyone, his passing ain't as bad as it seems but what surprised me the most was his shooting. As he is a winger I don't shoot a lot with him but when I do, it nearly alwats goes in. So if you packed him don't be scared of using him, and if you can do his SBC without wasting many coins, dont be afraid whatsoever, he is truly class.