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85 - Signature Signings S
the Cabo Verde King
By ScandolaFUT, 29-11-2021


Let's talk about Gelson Martins Signature Signings! (if you like the review, give me some support and your opinion on my IG please: scandola_FUT)

The long-awaited Gelson Martins Signature Signings card is finally available during this Black Friday event via an SBC costing around 150k. The stat increase is impressive compared to the base card: +4 pace, +8 shooting, +7 passing, +7 dribbling, +7 defending, +7 physicality and +201 total!!!! This card was eagerly awaited by the FIFA community because everyone is aware of the power and maneuverability of this player. So it was without hesitation that I completed this SBC. The Cabo Verde King joined my club as RW in a 4-1-2-1-2 for my last 15 Fut Champions games (15W-5L). He brought to my team what no other had done before him: 8 goals and 10 assists.

Regarding his main strengths, without a doubt his maneuverability makes him totally insane and unique with an agility stat of 99 and a balance of 97 coupled with his snake body type and his 5 stars skills. Then, his speed is INCREDIBLE, he is one of the fastest players with an acceleration to 98 and a sprint speed of 96. Finally, he is a real killer in front of goals and in finishing, he never fails an attempt. It is true that at first glance you might think that his shooting ability (79) is going to be disappointing, but it is quite the opposite, you just have to note use him to take a penalty.

Regarding his weaknesses, I notice during some duels his lack of strength which can sometimes be problematic particularly if your game play is note made of a lot of dribbling and you do not avoid a bit the contact with defenders. However, the statistics indicated on the card are not felt in the game. He looks much more physical and stronger. Finally, the big problem is obviously his 3 stars weak foot, which makes it very predictable that we will systematically shoot with his right foot.

In conclusion, I am totally won over by this card. Despite already very impressive stats on paper, the feeling during the gameplay is even more overused. I felt like I was using a top Icon. Furthermore, he is easily placed on any team, and the price is really not exaggerated at all. So, I advise you all to do it if you can afford it. It always pays more to make that card or Benzema Flashback than those damn SBC Basic Icon or Hero.

  • Very high maneuverability
  • Insane speed
  • 5 stars skills
  • Finishing
  • Price
  • Strength
  • 3 stars W.F.

Formation: 41212
Position: RW
Games: 15
GPG: 0.53
APG: 0.67
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (8/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (7/10)
By alexskoulding24, 29-11-2021

So, like many others I was waiting for this Gelson Martins SBC and when he dropped I was disappointed by his face card/in-game stats. His pace looked insane as did his dribbling, but his shooting and passing seemed very underwhelming, especially for a 150k+ SBC. My first thought was, there are already and are going to be a million cards that are the same as this, if not better over the next month. This could well be true, with potential Christmas promos and the TOTY approaching it is very much possible that this card will be outdated in a month. Despite this I had been waiting for this card and he fit my team perfect, I had a fair bit of fodder so I thought why not, lets try him. If you do any of the following this card is MUST do:

  • Skill moves
  • Through ball
  • Run down the byline and cross
  • Driven passes into the box

I don't want to incite sweaty play, but a lot of people play like this so if you do, this card will definitely suit you.

Regarding his shooting and passing, which is what is putting people off, his shooting is surprisingly good, its like a Vinicius style power shot that seems to go top bins most of the time. He can miss on the occasion but if you know how to position yourself for the shot or be able to ball roll the keeper, the shooting is not a problem at all. The passing is decent. You do notice the long passing from time to time when trying longer through balls. His crossing and driven passes are really nice however, and this is where your style of play will make or break whether you enjoy the card. The only issue that presents itself with the card is the weak foot. I found it to be like a 3.5 star weak foot as opposed to a 3 star. He does finish on his left in the box, and can also pass with it. Long shots is where this issue will become noticeable.

  • Pace - quickest player I've used hands-down
  • Dribbling - skill moves come off so clean, you can tell he is meant for skills.
  • Power Shots
  • Driven passes and crosses
  • Stamina
  • Has that "sticky" strength
  • Long passing
  • Weak foot
Formation: 41212-2
Position: ST
Games: 10
GPG: 1.50
APG: 0.40
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (8/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (8/10)
Le Roi Du Cabo Verde (FR version)
By ScandolaFUT2, 30-11-2021

Les frères,  


Parlons un peu de Gelson Martins Signature Signings! (si vous kiffez l’avis, venez me donner de la force et votre avis sur mon IG svp: scandola_FUT)

La tant attendue carte de Gelson Martins Signature Signings est enfin durant cette période de Black Friday via un SBC coûtant environ 150k. L’augmentation des statistiques est impressionnante par rapport à la carte de base : +4 vitesse, +8 tir, +7 passe, +7 dribble, +7 défense, +7 physique et +201 au total !!!! Cette carte était autant attendu par la communauté FIFA car tout le monde a conscience de la puissance et la maniabilité de ce joueur. Ainsi, c’est sans hésitation que j’ai réalisé ce SBC. Le Roi Cabo Verde a rejoint mon club au poste d’ailier droite dans un 4-1-2-1-2 pour mes 15 derniers matchs de Fut Champions (15V-5D). Il apporté à mon équipe ce qu’aucun autre n’avait fait avant lui soit : avec 8 goals et 10 passes décisives.

Concernant ses principales forces, sans aucun doute sa maniabilité le rend totalement fou et unique avec une stat d’agilité de 99 et un équilibre de 97 couplé à sa corpulence de serpent et ses 5 étoile de geste technique. Ensuite, sa vitesse est INCROYABLE, il fait partis des joueurs les plus rapides sans le ressenti avec une accélération à 98 et une vitesse de course de 96. Finalement, c’est un véritable tueur devant les buts et en finition, il ne loupe que très rarement une occasion. Il est vrai qu’au premier abord, on peut penser que sa note en tir (79) va être décevante mais il n’en est rien et il faut juste ne pas le faire tirer un pénalty.

Concernant ses faiblesses, j’ai pu constater durant certain duel son manque de force qui peut parfois être problématique si on n’a pas un style de jeu avec beaucoup de dribble et qu’on évite un peu les défenseurs. Cependant, on ne ressent pas dans le jeu les statistiques indiquer sur la carte. Il parait bien plus physique et fort. Enfin, le gros problème est évidemment ses 3 étoiles de mauvais pied qui rendent très anticipable le fait que l’on va tirer systématiquement de son pied droite.

En conclusion, je suis totalement conquis par cette carte. Malgré des stats déjà très impressionnantes sur le papier, le ressenti durant le gameplay est encore plus abuser. J’ai eu l’impression de commander une top icone. De plus, il est facilement plaçable dans n’importe quelle équipe et le prix n’est vraiment pas du tout exagéré. Je vous conseille donc tous de le faire si vous en avez les moyens. Il est toujours plus rentable de faire cette carte ou Benzema Flashback que ces maudits SBC icone de base ou Hero.  

  • Très haute maniabilité
  • Incroyable vitesse
  • 5 étoiles G.T.
  • Finition
  • Prix

  • Force
  • 3 étoiles M.P.

Formation: 41212
Position: RW
Games: 15
GPG: 0.53
APG: 0.67
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (8/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (7/10)