Undeserving of the criticism
53 users liked this review

The same people advising you this card is rubbish and to do the 85x10 are the same people why cry about litmanen in the icon packs or otw firpo in a party bag, in my opinion something guaranteed is always better than a gamble. Next is the criticism on stats, ever card that comes up needs atleast the basic Chem style to show full potential, this card goes to a 94 cm who has stats in every area you’d need for a versatile midfielder.

so why the hate? Likely it’s because people want packs and fodder but also really like the card, so they’ll slander it to make themselves feel better and justify why sitting with a busquets and 9x85s was a good decision, also please remember most of the criticism comes with never using the card. So the opinions are stats are silly to, so many class cards have low acceleration and ability and this cards not ever that low.

I used him for a full weekend league finishing 17-3 in a 4312 rcm with no instructions, he was great, one of my favourite cms I’ve used, positioning was great, passing was good, I tried engine, Hunter, shadow and basic for 5 each and preferred basic. There’s no real faults I can see, he’s better in build up than defensively but still does a job there, he’s similar feel to paqueta who was 200k plus compared to 20 tokens you got free for sbcs and objectives you’d have done anyway, the talk of grinding is hilarious.bits a free prem 94 rated cm and is still making the community unhappy.

he’s a great card, I’m glad I did him, I’m in elite div with decent skill rating. His links are good, stats are great and he’s FREE

if you’re still complaining you really need help.



work rate


link up play


Maybe bodied a bit defensively

Pace (8/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (8/10)
8 users liked this review

Many people are complaining about this card and saying he's not worth the 20 token grind. I say they're compleyely wronng!. This card is absolutely cracked!!

I picked up this card on saturday (a day after he came out and he transformmed my weekend league and team around completely.

Before i get into the stats,pros and cons, if you want a more in depth review , visit my youTube channel - "KLN STUDIOS" - video title : THE ENGLISH GULLIT - 89 FUTURE STARS CONOR GALLAGHER REVIEW - FUT 22"

When it comes down to the pace, this man is so fast especially in that CM position. For 86 Pace, it definitely feels a lot faster. He's able to outrun most midfielders/cdms in this game.

With the shooting, its absolutely insane. Long shots, inside the box, left foor, right foot,just shoot! it goes in everytime.

The passing on this card is actually top tier, he makes almost every single pass(bar the over ambitious ones). If you see a player making a run in behind, and if the pass is well timed, he will put it on the players foot everytime.

The dribbling on the card is surprisingly very good despite the 82 agility and 80 balance. He feels very smooth on the ball and can get past most players with ease.

Defending on this card is solid as well, he can make most tackles(standing or sliding) and his interceptions are also really good. He can definitely play in that cdm position but i don't recommend it due to his work rates.

He does feel pretty strong in game and can hold off most players but don't expect him to be winning 50/50s with Van Dijk and Koulibailly (at least not all the time ;) )

I used this card as a RCM in a 41212 narrow, a CAM in a 4231 and a CDM in a 4231. It's safe to say that he can play in every position and be dominant from every single position you put him in. I used this card as my attacking CM in a 41212 and therefore used a hunter on him . It worked really well, however if you're going to use him in that CDM position i recommend you use a shadow or anchor.

In 4 games he had 4 goals and 6 assists, all from CM , ecxcept for 50 minutes that was split between him playing at cam (whwre he got a goal) and cdm(where he also got a goal)

In conclusion , i would say that this card is one of the best box-to-box midifielders in the game, so getting him for "free" is totally worth the 20 tokens.


Long Passing

Short passing



Shot Power



He can do everything but these are his stand out stats for me

Nothing but if i had to put oe I'd most likely say 3* Skills, although thats not important in cm or cdm :)

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (8/10)