To be honest, I was just gonna complete the objective for the fodder, but i put this card into my team on 8 chem cause he got a strong link to Mid Maradona. I had low expectations seeing as he wasn't on full chem and is a free card, but this card is a lot better than I originally thought. He's not a complete auto defender like Kimpembe and Marquinhos, he isn't the fastest center back like Varane, and he isn't even a complete brick wall like Maldini and Ruben Diaz, but this card is like a mic of all the players named in one card. His pace is manageable, which is coming from an elite player and consistent Rank 4 Champs plater. While playing insane cards like TOTY Messi, Mbappe, Neymar, R9's, etc, this card is holding his ground as a great reliable player in defense. Seeing as I'm playing him on off chem, I can only imagine how he is on 10. The fact that he can be upgraded makes me all the more interested in this card. Just so I can play this card on full chem, I am planning on buying prime Zanetti and I believe those words speaks levels as to how reliable of a card he is. He's a definite underrated center back and when he gets upgraded, I exoect him to be a center back close to the level as those previously listed. Try him out yourself on a shadow, I completely recommend him.
-~A little bit of everything
~Has good defending animations
~ Potential Upgrade
~Won't lose a header with 98 jumping
~Great Physicality
~Sometimes wish he were faster