I am extremely surprised no one is talking about this card, as I am writing he's 88 rated, and I have to say he's nuts, one of my favourite cards I have used this FIFA. This is the first review I have written and that because I need people to know how good this card is. His crossing is very good, he's absolutely flying with the Catalyst chem style (my preferred chem style on a winger) and his shooting is unreal. Feels like every shot goes in. I am so surprised I have never seen anyone use this card before, and with the prospect of him going up too, the 50k seems right on. I did pack him in a PP and got him for free however so I may not be completely qualified to say that.
He is deceptively quick
Shooting is very good
Deceptively agile
Possibility of going up (As I am writing)
Passing maybe slightly off the mark?
Got this guy in the Campaign Party Bag and wasn't exactly over the moon since I already have POTM Salah from the Year in Review SBC.
However, as much as it pains me to say this as a Liverpool fan, POTM Salah has been relegated to the bench as this guy is just a different breed.
Feels 99 on Engine, insane.
Shooting is so much better than the stat suggests, shots are pinpoint and he never misses
Crazy good dribbling, way better than salah- super responsive and very fast
Very good shot and long, great crosses too. Only weakness here is the influence of 3* WF
Not that phyiscal but he makes up for it with crazy pace and dribbling
100% recommend. Rapid, great dribbling and shooting and likely to be upgraded. Definitely worth the very low price.
Passing over all ranges
Stamina lasts all game
3* WF is a problem when passing with his right
63 Volleys, though not really found this to be an issue really