Decide to try this card because I am a fan of Suarez in real life but was'nt expecting a lot because most Fifa's Suarez is moving like a truck and is feeling heavy. But this Fifa 22 Suarez Tots is just from an another level , silky and fast as hell, super strong,passing is very OP en he makes crazy runs. In my oppinion way better than Mbappe 94, Cruijff 94 , Ronaldihno 94 because of the strenght. 10/10
Crazy Runs
Dribbeling (silky)
I had high expectations of this card because FUTBD Suarez was one of the best striker I had used and I can comfortably say that he has exceed all of my expectations he played as the middle ST in a 4321 and he is currently giving me a return of 59 goals and 16 Assists in 51 games he feels fast strong and very smooth on the ball on the ball and if you are a skillful player who is able to green time a shot consistently you can unlock his true shooting ability:
Check the video on my Youtube Kloose HD to understand the kind of ability Suarez possesses .
If you looking for a striker that can make you say "What a finish" Suarez is that guy.
I got him for 1.2M but and as of the time of writing he is 900K and I still think he should be more expensive.
He has everything a striker needs and he could probably play CAM because of his H/M Work-Rates
Shooting(heading included) is particularly disgusting though
None as long as you don't mind the lack of the 5SM.