I was excited when I redpicked him. He'll probably stay in my team till I stop playing the game. The dude is just perfection in everything to do with defense. As a stayback LB or even CB he'll hold it down at all times.
Sadly I first used him as a LM. Where I did ofc notice how great he was defensively, but then I also noticed how he's not particularly good at all going forward. His pace feels good but not like 99 and his dribbling is shaky to say the least. Not particularly smooth especially in bad gameplay. His unique bodytype is on the bigger side which makes it hard to really get past your man,
All in all I'd say he's the best defensive fullback in the game together with Da Costa. But he's not even top 5 if you're looking for someone who is both great in defense and offense. Cancelo or even Cuadrado outshine him in that aspect.
Well there isn't much to say about him besides he is a fraud if you play him as a LM, But if you play him in the Lb position he aint bad. Not worth the 670k price range doe and would rather go someone like a cancelo instead. His body type in game is also pretty big and fat which is why he is not a good player in a 352. He will be great at the left center back position doe. in conclusion good left back nothing else, Not worth 650k doe.
He is fat so he's good at defense
not much tbh, just expected him to be a good LM