19 users liked this review

Hello everyone, I am a division 3 player, currently in division 4. Last season, I was in division 2, and im now grinding my way up in division 2 again, with Aubameyang as an essential part of my team. He is playing left striker on stay forward next to Nicholas Pépé who is on false 9 in a 4-2-2-2 system. Auba is on marksman and he is just way too good.

I have not that much money, and so I decided to sell my whole attack, to get Auba and compliment him with free cards Ansu Fati and Nicholas Pépé, and the great Shapeshifter SBC Felipe Anderson.

At first I thought, that Aubameyang could feel clunky, or not as agile as the most top meta players, because I read that in the comment section. But he is insane. He feels so fast and smooth, and his shots are just from another world. The ball control in the box is very good as well, and his shots with both feet are clinical. The best striker for under 300k for sure. What I want to point out are his finesse long shots. I never try timed finish, but cutting in from the left side and finessing from around 20 m always and the ball always goes into the back of the net.

I can recommend him a 100%. He is probably the best striker, I played this year.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and sorry for my bad english, it is not my mother language.

  • rapide
  • clinical shooting
  • distance shooting (especially finesse)
  • so smooth in the box
  • 5* wf
  • heading
  • nation links, but there are so many many Barca and la Liga players
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (3/10)
Physicality (7/10)
aubame who?
6 users liked this review

i just changed my team this weekend and didnt know who to put as my new striker i saw there was tis new aubame cart on the market and i thought the stats where very interesting.so i began playing my first matches with him and was immidiatly amazed by how good this card is everything about him is perfect pace shooting physicality and even the dribbeling the balance and agility are also amazing. he scored some very important goals for me

pace shooting physicality dribbiling

the passes can be bad sometimes

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (3/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Best ST I've used
2 users liked this review

After a couple of years of playing FUT almost daily, this is my first review here. I decided to write it because this card has been the biggest game changer I had (or at least the biggest in the second half of the season where everybody can choose among a bunch o high 90s cards). This card is simply amazing.

I am a division 1 player, and for context, I don't relly a lot on *-skills, but more on left stick dribbling. I was lucky enough to pack him when its Shapeshifters series came out. I first tried him as LF, but didn't feel I was getting the best out of it. I then changed him to ST with Marksman chemistry in a 442/424/352 formation paired with 93-Rooney, and he was SO, SO GOOD. I sold him when some other fancy cards came out, spent money on untradable SBCs, and have seriously regreted it. I bought him again a couple of days ago and was hesitant on whether he would perform well now that teams have improved, but he prooved to be excellent once again.

This season I've tried 94-Henry, 98-Lewan, 97- Lewan, 98-Abedi Pele, 98-Bale, 97-Solsjkaer, 96-Davies and none of them has made me even remotely as happy. His shots are simply amazing (any kind of shot, with both feet), always. His bribbling is excelent for his height, and he's not THE fastest, but he definitely outpaces virtually all CBs. Stamina is good, strength is good, passes are good, but once again... His shooting! Oh Boy!

?If you're thinking about it, don't hesitate, given him a chance. He won't disappoint you.

Shooting, shooting, shooting,


Decent passes, stamina, and strength.

None really for an ST, although if I had to pick one it would be his Gabon chemistry

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)