
Welcome to my very first Review and I couldn't start with a better one! Flashback Ricardo Rodriguez, who is available as this week's Silver Stars Objective, is a MUST have in every Silver team. Even without proper links, he's by far the best CB you can have, so much better than Nastasic. Great all rounded player, can also be used as a LB in your main team (despite I'm not really into using a really nice player like him as a LB, given the plenty of other LB cards we already got from past Silver Stars), and can be used in-game as a CDM or CM because of his crazy passing stats. It's an all-rounded, reliable card that will be of great use while playing Silver Stars / Silver Cup or grinding for Objectives in Squad Battles or Division Rivals.

  • CRAZY PACE! 85 Pace may look a bit low compared to other Silver cards like Blackmon, Nouhou, and Bangura, for example, but if you put a Shadow on him, his pace will go all the way up to 93, meaning he can catch players like IF Mama Balde or WW Antiste and outpace many famous Silver Stars cards and protect your defense.
  • SET PIECE BOSS! As you guys know, Ricardo Rodriguez is a set-piece specialist since his early days back at Wolfsburg when he was a Career Mode favorite because of his potential. Would score all FKs back in the days. Still got it. Usually my main FK Taker was Lauriente with an 80+ FK Accuracy and Curve, but Rodriguez is so much better than him. 86 Shot Power, 80 Long Shots, 86 FK Accuracy, 85 Curve, 81 Crossing, 88 Penalties... anywhere, anytime, just slap the guy into a set-piece and be happy.
  • ALL ROUNDED PLAYER! Equally balanced stats, like Dribbling, Physicality, Passing and Shooting, all above 70+. The guy can play anywhere in defense or midfield and still will perform consistently.
  • BEAST DEFENDING! With a staggering 91 Defense stat, he will be rated as an 88 CB / LB and an 86 as a CDM. Not much left to be said, right?

  • WORK RATES. Unless you're using Rodriguez as a CM, a Medium/Medium Work Rate can be an issue sometimes since you will have the need of him to track back, if he's used as a Sweeper or a Ball-Playing CB. Looks like not having a High Defensive Work Rate is a real issue in this FIFA and Rodriguez isn't exempt of it.
  • WEAK FOOT. 3-star Weak Foot for a CB/LB doesn't look much like an issue but still is, because of his creative attributes, and having a 3-star WF may difficult using his weaker foot to perform long balls, crosses and dribbles. This can be avoided using the trivela pass, thankfully.
  • VISION. One of his two stats below 71 is Vision, alongside with Finishing. With a disappointing 70 rated Vision stat, he may have some trouble while getting the ball out of the pressure. However, unless you're facing a Silver Stars plaisir, don't worry - the 70 vision is still higher than many CDM/CM players from Silver Stars, though.
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (8/10)