Jairzinho is one of the best players in the game

I was lucky enough to pack this guy in early december. As a new icon from this year i was excited to be able to try it so early. And wow, he is since november the best player in the field almost every game he plays. Im an elite division player and a range 2/3 fut champions player, and this guy is one of the reasons.

His pace is from out of this world, he slides through defenders like he was WC Al-Owairan. The shot is incredibly good, he only misses chances in games you have to lose. But his best quality for sure is his dribbling. If you do skills, even if you dont, you can control him so precisely. A little touch of the joystick and the defender is lost.

He played for me 411 games, and he scored 513 goals and did 367 assists. Thats near 2,5 contributions of goals per game. And maybe of this 410 games almost 200 have been rage quits (in part thanks to him).

I usually score more goals with my strikers than games i play with them, but not during more than 400 games (and giving plenty of assists too).

If you are thinking of doing his sbc or buying him, just don't doubt anymore, get it as soon as you can







Not a single one

Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)
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