RealhoseiinJan 27 1:39 PM
His toty fifa 19 is his best fifa card ever( and best card on fifa 19)and was7 mil (I bought him for 8 mil during toty) the guy was such a joke but this card isn't even the best card on the game but he's extinct on 15mil. That make no sense.
NoamHasidiJan 27 2:00 PM
market prices gone up cuz it's easier to get coins
RealhoseiinJan 27 2:12 PM
You have no idea how easy you could make coins on fifa 19 when you say this. Fodders were so volatile that year and you could double your coins on only 2 weeks but watch this market fodders have no value. In fifa 19 you could buy a player and selling him after months and make coins. This price just shows us how dog shit this company actually is brother not anything else