CyphenswrldJan 27 10:23 PM
You guys don't understand how smart EA are, they nerfed the pack weight horrifically so your submitted into thinking store packs are the only way to pack toty's as you see streamers packing so many from them. I guarantee sunday content time they will release a huge pack with extremely high chance of a toty that the community will buy even if it's 1 million and you will still get earps/oberdorf. I myself fell for this trap I bought 2 500k packs as I finally wanted a toty after not getting one from 1m+ of premium upgrades and I didn't even receive a nominee. Please save your money, don't fall for this trap like me.
HitechSuljahJan 27 11:26 PM
More than saving ur money, save ur time, sell u account for cheap and don't comeback ever again
IlyathesavageJan 28 6:19 AM
Stop crying, just find the balance