LuchoBallJan 30 1:59 PM
ea are twats this toty had the potential to be up there with one of the best totys oat but they go and ruin it with impossible pack weight and basically try and force you to buy store packs to have any chance of getting a blue, i had 300 big packs saved up and im walking away with a trent hm, silva hm and ederson...fucking joke
Qill17Jan 30 3:03 PM
At least you get some, you should be grateful, unlike others
LuchoBallJan 30 4:11 PM
grateful for a combined value of 265k out of 300 packs? have a day off mate
DrippyR9Lord69Jan 30 5:36 PM
Shush mate i packed de bruyne and batle and obedorf so easily u just have to grind u defo only had 7.5k packs u melt
LuchoBallJan 30 5:38 PM
easy when you buy store packs you sausage
DrippyR9Lord69Jan 30 5:42 PM
Nope all league upgrades and sbc u melt
LuchoBallJan 30 6:09 PM
definitely mate