BOFAFCJan 31 4:49 PM
PLEASE CONSIDER: Stop being upset that you did not get Messi or angry at people who did. It's long past time for EA to face the consequences of their actions. The only way this is possible is to organize the community as if it were a real life revolution or protest. Think about the variety of people that exist within this community. As toxic as we all are whilst playing a football video game together, we are an incredibly diverse group of people who share at least one thing in common: the knowledge that EA are a bunch of scumbags whose executives may genuinely belong in a prison cell. We are on an app with thousands of users designed around talking about a video game. FUTBIN sold for a WHOLE LOT of money! This community has all of the power if we can organize. If you're a bit older, just think about how negatively the culture in this game could affect a young persons mental health. It sounds dumb and dramatic but it's simply the truth. This game is designed as a "Hotel California". People check out all the time but they NEVER LEAVE. time to change the game somehow
DarwizzyLover9910Jan 31 4:56 PM
whole lotta yap