Fifa4allFeb 2 10:09 AM
Pathetic company. They have time to get statistics of how many players got Messi which by the way is biased that's why they say 0,7% but they don't have time to fix the game and stop messing up and making mistakes everyday. 0,7% out of all fc24 players. So, that's 85000 players who got him. 12 mil fc24 totalt 0,07% is 85000... Problem is the 85000 people who got Messi are the most active players. See the bias?
ChrisTurnerUKFeb 2 10:27 AM
not at all, how do you work it out that most players who got him are the most active players, just because they was around when the sbc dropped, your theory is bullcrap
Fifa4allFeb 2 12:04 PM
The fact remains, if you owned EA, would you waste time looking for false statistics or would you rather do something else to compensate for players who didn't get the chance to take part of this. Still 0,7% is biased because of what I wrote earlier.