Izzzio95Feb 3 4:45 PM
guys i didn t play fifa from fifa 19, last year buy fifa 23 late, when the toty drop, and believe me, in the first pack, THE FIRST ONE, i packed mbappe toty, and later also bellingham 95 and militao 94, this year i play fc 24 from the first day, i saved almost 100 pack 83x10 84x5 and other good pack, i spend 1 milion coin on grind sbc, probably i open more than 500 pack la liga and premier league upgrade, i got absolute nothing, but honestly it s ok guys, this game is a pay to win gamble, i will say thank you to ea, it s better like that, now i know this game no worth nothing.
Pjetr0wFeb 3 6:14 PM
Yes you get punished for playing the game. I opened over a 1000 packs and no toty. 2 friends of mine started playing 2 weeks ago and packed 7 toty's together .....