Azizovic707Feb 8 8:56 PM
Bought her at 740k and after more than 100 games i can say she's so good and there's no replacement for her except Viera maybe .. i tried Zan, Essian, Ramires.. and she's betrer overall, trolled ginola mudded Henry and many "high and average" players I played against like WW Torres and Drogba I've been using her as holding CM in 4-3-2-1 primarily, or in CDM in 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3(5) I would say she's better at the CDM position since you can give her the "cut passinglane"instruction.. the Bruser+ with anticipate and stockybody typehelp her a lot in defending that's what make her special the most. The interceptions is always clutching me in many situations specially when im losing. But since she's dropping I'm going to sell her after WL and try Kimmich RTTF and invest in a meta striker She deserves 900k max not gonna lie about that.. but with future promos coming she can be replaceable anytime soon
Croitorum2002Feb 9 4:13 AM
cards like this you will have only when TOTS come out. I have that Kimmich. Nowhere near Oberdorf. As CDM you won't find better.
Ishay7Feb 9 12:01 PM