UndeqdFeb 12 6:12 PM
52 games for the attackers Evo, 30 odd games for the defenders Evo, 15 for the toty centre back Evo now another load for this ... please let us activate 2 evos at once this is impossible
hellrazorFeb 12 6:18 PM
I mean this one is just 4 matches, wrong place to complain about "grind". FS academy cards are harder to get, but if you want usable "free" card you have to play for it, can't get everything handed to you.
SoggyBusquetsFeb 12 8:06 PM
Time limit makes it force you to play. If there was no time limit or longer times given it'd be fair. You already have to play 7 rivals, 10 qualifiers and 20 WL games a week to keep up on that side. Some cards are good enough to fit into your team for those games tbf but most aren't if you're in higher divisions. EA are doing EVOs all wrong. I don't want anything for free but don't try force me to play this game excessively. At least bring back the friendlies with 3 minute halves