RealhoseiinFeb 19 9:26 PM
There's something that's so stupid about this company and I have no idea whats the idea behind it. I remember Fifa 19 we couldn't get so many packs but we had hopes to pack at least a 500k card out of weekend league rewards. Just compare it to nowadays that ppl have so many packs and getting the worst cards over and over again That's so stupid. I don't care about the all the freee packs when You can't even get a single good card out of that shit . Just stop giving packs to ppl and reward the guys who actually play the fucking game on weekend league like fifa 18 or 19. This packs on store and sbcs finished the game so quickly (for me)
MertBaranAlkasFeb 19 10:10 PM
Not only for you bro, I always feel so damn fooled by EA when I finish a disastrous WL and only pack shit
RealhoseiinFeb 19 10:38 PM
That's exactly my point bro when they give free packs on sbc or store (30or 10coin pack) they automatically decrease the pack weight on their servers so what's the fucking point? When they release tradable packs on packs section or store that shit just make the pack weight so much worse. They lost 35% of their players since fifa 23 ( including myself) and the main reason is gameplay is so slow and market is dead ( the game was fun for only these 2 reasons in previous years)