Gregory124Feb 18 7:24 PM
this is for real not too hate on this card, played with her 67 games, im not a elite player but in div 3 but for real 7/ 10 games she is so bad it's crazy she's out of position so fkn often and too high up so she makes a gap between the defenders. maybe she fits players that like too attack with cb but I sold her now and back too capita, he feels 2x times better then her. this is just my opinion im just disappointed on the card.
MessiGOAT2761Feb 20 12:35 AM
20 goals in 160 games. virtually all in Champs. she's deadly on crosses and corners. even if she misses, it's due to God level GKs or hitting the post. she changes games for me like a Haaland toty's aerial game does.