PikalionMar 17 6:51 PM
Hello everyone, I know this community can be so toxic, but I just quick sold by accident my club legend Yashin with no recovers. I just want someone to cheer me up, and even better get some help to see if they were in a similar situation and can tell me if EA can do anything. Thanks.
ooteboeMar 18 1:01 PM
Before quick sell recovery i was able to return my POTM Hazard, took me a week or 2 of contacting EA support and acting a bit mad (i had help from a former EA Support worker via discord lol) so there's still hope!
PikalionMar 18 8:59 PM
Thanks a lot, I did contact an employee via the helpline this morning, and after using every beg and plea in the book they said they'd 'personally attend the matter' and it'll be fixed in 'a couple of days max'. However true that is.