Getrekt133TMar 20 3:52 PM
Wow. I was lucky enough to pack this card and I gotta say it's clear of the TOTY. I have 400+ games on TOTY and have both untradeable, the finesse shots on this card are a joke he is so clear as an attacker. I have no reason to lie I love the TOTY card so much. The small stat trade offs are totally void by the 5* 5*, High/Low and ofc Finesse+.
agaitaMar 20 5:10 PM
Man how do you pack messi twice and i can't even pack 1 meta player lol
Getrekt133TMar 20 8:54 PM
1st time was the TOTY pick glitch lol, but I've been real lucky :messi: I hope your luck improves