easymoneysniper335Mar 21 9:00 AM
He's shit 0 passing playstyles
Keysie69Mar 21 9:03 AM
his passing is good bro. 5* weak foot means he's nice and consistent
easymoneysniper335Mar 21 10:40 AM
With that nice 81 passing too, yea bro I see lol
divorceddadttvMar 21 10:42 AM
you're a absolute div10 demon bro said 81 passing look at his ingame stats lil bro
easymoneysniper335Mar 21 1:07 PM
I'm in elite division average rank 1-2, you are probably getting 11 wins bot hahah
AcedioMar 21 1:50 PM
whatever you say easymoneysniper335