RaffieDeBoytjeMar 28 2:22 PM
I packed him out of the hero, and decided to give him a go. Quick review (Div 1/Rank 4) he was surprisingly great. I didn't expect that much, since his stats look like nothing special atm. But he's just got that presence in game that very few players have, he's much better than his base, that I used 2 months or so ago. Even though the players are all faster and better now, they just can't get past him. He's a total bully and also very good in the air. Besides that he is one of the few players, along with blanc that really have that Anticipate + playstyle, where it is very noticeable. If you got him too, it's a bit sad you didn't get the FF, but don't be too sad about it, since you still got a top tier CB, even if the stats don't really say it. Just use him and you'll see for yourself!
Zeruel82Mar 28 3:09 PM
He's the Gold VVD, who is not Gold VVD.
Seba08FerrariMar 28 9:23 PM
he's the gold vvd tries to be