lilthegentleMar 31 10:35 PM
james still clears
iawesomeMar 31 11:04 PM
He doesn't clear anything just stumbles around the pitch Cafu 91 is clear of james
lilthegentleMar 31 11:35 PM
for me, james plays better than any version of cafu, and i've played with all 3.. idk it's the way i play i guess. to be clear, i think cafu really is a good card but i prefer james, thats it
BeastAnalModeApr 1 12:46 AM
You are talking pure dog shit kid. get out of div 8 and will talk
lilthegentleApr 1 1:33 AM
lol, every wknd league i go for rank 4-3, this is purely my opinion, why are u getting mad ?
csmithATXApr 1 2:02 AM
his username says it all LoL