larsvelthuisApr 4 12:26 AM
I have Tchoua and Gundo w Socrates as forward CM rn but I need a Bayern link to go back to Davies at LB(Rolfo just aint it for me at any position). I could either run Gundo, Kimmich and Tchoua midfield, move socrates to ST but that's tooooo defensive altho doctor at ST is lots of fun. Anyways. used him at RB before and he was better there than in midfield somehow. And crazy enough, he feels buffed, hes even better than I remember. Passing is crucial as I go thru my fullbacks every attack. Just so good
you may wanna give stanway a try. i ran kimmich a couple hundred games and was happy, but replaced him with standway now. she is just so strong for the coins and insane value. way better offfensive